  • 學位論文

應用RFID 之記憶鏡式藥事照護

Using RFID Technology with memory-mirror concept For pharmaceutical care

指導教授 : 陳國泰


高齡化社會是現今社會發展的大趨勢,台灣也不例外,高齡化的結果,許多患有多種慢性病的老人,需要長期服用大量不同處方藥物,而老人家通常記憶力減退,常會未能按照醫師的囑咐服藥,輕則延誤病情,重則危及生命,因此發展家庭的藥事照護系統實屬必要。本研究利用人臉辨識與應用藥盒上的RFID Tag,結合記憶鏡的概念,發展一套家庭藥事照護系統。當患者由藥櫃中拿取藥物,經由RFID的讀取,系統會自動以影片紀錄吃藥情形(如同鏡子),並且提醒上次用藥時間及狀況。若為複方,也會同時提醒其他該用藥品,並顯示所服用藥品的相關資訊(藥品格式,功能,副作用及用法等)。有了本系統幫助,期望患者皆能按照醫師囑咐服藥,很快康復。


RFID 藥事照護 記憶鏡


The development of contemporary society trends to an aged society, and Taiwan is without exception. An aged society exists many old age who have different types of chronic diseases and need to take various and numerous medicine for a long time; however, the old age usually forget to regularly take the medicine. This error may not only delay treatment but also endanger lives. To avoid this error, prompting family pharmaceutical care system is essential. The study tries to create a set of pharmaceutical care system based on Face Recognition, RFID tags on medical boxes, and the concept of Memory Mirroring. While patients are going to take out a medicine box, the system will record their action of taking this medicine through the RRID and remind them when and how they took last time. When the patients have to take another medicine, the system will announce related information about the complex medicine, including contents, function, side-effects, and instructions. With the help the system, we expect the patients would take the medicine regularly and get over soon.


RFID pharmaceutical care memory-mirror


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