  • 學位論文


The Exploration Of Experimental Animation With Non Pre-Production Creator – In Life Materials

指導教授 : 林宏銘


設計師與藝術者所表現的創作過程和腳本,不斷改變創作結果的位置和程序,甚至讓原始思考和行動在分鏡腳本前相互質疑、推翻,改變創作結果之行動意義。這樣的敘事有時是為了呈現精準的執行,有時是為了補充原始思考的不完整性,創作者在兩者擺盪之間,也許最原始的構想才會逼近敘事發展真正的主題。 無前期創作計畫可以同時具備了科技性及藝術性,作者以當代科學技術,結合人文與藝術提出一種實驗性的創作模式,所以,與其說這項創作計畫為實驗,不如說正規的創作方式如同淺規則般沉默不語於各式各樣的設計執行,那似乎是語言所無法關照而設法隱藏的東西。在表面的創作脈絡下,還潛藏了另一個文本。 作者希望,利用這些生活上的素材,轉換另一套語言和敘事法,將原來透過大腦思考原始要表達的意念深化和固著,以影像和聲音呈現。「文字敘述所形成的心理概念」與「影像呈現所造成的視覺形象」在這次創作計畫內即使創作型態不全然相同,但都有複雜而微妙的互動關係,文學的敘述使電影具有語義的迴響,獲得詩意的共鳴,這也許像是一種無人識透的言語,卻可以識透一種瘋狂無人想像與經歷,看著腦海的東西還繼續撩動黑夜,黑夜也開始陌生這終老的地方,在漫長疲累的奔赴之中,作者最後明白了沒有愛不是一種跋涉。


無前期計畫 文學 電影 實驗動畫 超現實


Designer and art performance creative process and scripts, changing the position of creative results and procedures, and even original thinking and actions challenged each other in the storyboard, overthrow, change the significance of the action of the creative results. This narrative is sometimes in order to show precise execution, and sometimes in order to supplement the original thinking is not the integrity of the creators between the two swings, perhaps the most original ideas will be approaching the real theme of the narrative development. Non Pre-Production plan also have a technological and artistic, contemporary science and technology, combined with cultural and art of the creation of an experimental model, so, not so much the creation of plans for experimental, but rather that the formal creation as shallow rule-like silence in a variety of design and execution, that seems to be the language could not care while trying to hide things. On the surface of the creation of context, but also hidden another text. The authors hope that the use of these material life, conversion to another language and narrative method, the original through the brain to think the original to express the idea of deepening and solid image and sound rendering. Psychological concepts "and" image showing the result of the visual image in this creative project even if the creative types are not completely the same narrative, but there are complex and subtle interaction between literary narrative film has a semantic reverberations, and poetic resonance, which is perhaps something like an unmanned knowledge through speech, but can know through a crazy no one imagine that with experience, looking at the mind also continue to eventually lead to the night, the night also began a strange place in this his home in long tired went to the author concludes that love is not a journey.


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2. 張海連(2010)〈植物是有感情的:巴克斯特和他的研究〉,《新紀元周刊》,台北市:新紀元國際文化傳播股份有限公司
5. 張國慶,〈資本主義與「他人」的概念:當代科幻電影的社會意涵〉,《中外文學》, 22 卷 12 期,1994 年 5 月。
9. 約翰.伯格(John Berger)著/何佩樺 譯,《另類的出口》,台北市,麥田出版,2006


