  • 學位論文


The study of King Zhuang, Ling and Ping of the Chu State in the Shanghai Museum Bamboo Manuscripts

指導教授 : 沈寶春


《上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書》的史料文獻類作品,內容森羅萬象、精彩紛呈,彌足珍貴。屬於戰國中晚期的上博簡,雖已是間接史料,但相較於傳世史籍而言,必然較少後人主觀的增刪或魯魚亥豕之筆誤,自有更高的學術價值。在進行歷史考證時,越接近事件發生點的史料,往往越能保存事件的真實樣貌,上博簡出自戰國時人之手,可與傳世文獻相互參證,或增補其不足,在在都顯示上博簡的史料文獻是值得學界深入鑽研的領域。 上博簡中與楚莊王、楚靈王、楚平王有關的內容分別是:〈莊王既成〉、〈鄭子家喪〉(甲、乙)、〈申公臣靈王〉、〈平王問鄭壽〉、〈平王與王子木〉等五篇簡文,它們分別收入第六、七冊,材料新穎,首尾完具,許多艱澀字形、疑難訓讀亟待解決。這批簡文是歷史考證的重要材料,但文字構形與文義訓讀的理解若不能通暢無礙,則歷史學界很難從中取資。因此本論聚焦在竹簡文本的考釋與訓讀,並旁及史事的考證,部分疑難字牽涉的材料較多,則獨立成小節系統性的討論。 前述五篇簡文是楚人寫楚事的第一手材料,只有〈平王與王子木〉在《說苑˙辨物》與阜陽漢簡中找得到相對應字句,其餘篇章漢以後皆已亡佚。筆者以此五篇的文本為範圍,釐訂文字、考證史實,俾使文通字順,使其價值得以彰顯。


The historical literatures about “Shanghai Museum Bamboo Manuscripts” were diverse and highly valuable. The manuscripts were the productions of mid and late Warring States Period. Although they were secondary sources, as compared with other historical records, there were less subjective additions and deletions or slips of the pen from later scholars, and their academic value was undoubtedly higher. While conducting historical research, the closer the era of historical events, it is always also the more possible to preserve its true face. Although these bamboo manuscripts were the works of the Warring States Period, they were mutual referred and proved by later literatures, their lacks were also supplemented. All of these activities demonstrated the academic value of these bamboo manuscripts, and their historical literatures were worth for further study. In these bamboo manuscripts, the contents related to King Zhuang, Ling and Ping of the Chu were “zhuang wang ji cheng”, “jeng tz jia sang”, “shen gong chen ling wang”, “ping wang wen zheng shou”, and “ping wang yu wang zi mu”. These five brief writings were included in the sixth and seventh volume of “Shanghai Museum Bamboo Manuscripts”. They were novel and complete, and many incomprehensible characters or explanatory notes required to be explored. These brief writings would be important historical reference and proof materials, however, historians could get useful information from them only after the characters or explanatory notes could be unraveled and the manuscripts become readable to them. Therefore, the thesis focuses on the textual explication and explanatory notes of the bamboo manuscripts, and involves in historical proofs. Some difficult characters that involve lots of reference materials are systematically discussed in individual sections. The above-mentioned brief writings were the first-hand materials of Chu written by Chu men. Among them, only the corresponding words of “ping wang yu wang zi mu” were found in “Bianwu, Shuouan” and “Fuyang Bamboo Slips”, the rest chapters of these writings were lost after Han Period. The author takes these five writings as object of study, tries to determine the writing, to researches historical facts, and expects to make the writings plain and to manifest their values.


