  • 學位論文


Art Disturbance and Community Assembly : With cases of TUGO Village at Houbi and Dongyuan Community at Dongshan in Tainan as examples

指導教授 : 王雅倫


透過Assemble團隊奪得2015年英國透納獎首獎一事,其中所揭示的潛在精神與價值,顯現了一項台灣當代藝術內部尚未被充分正視的問題,即是思考藝術的參與、藝術計劃/行動的社會效應。它反應出透過擾動社群主體、改變個體行為,漸進地構築一地居民的自我意識;透過持續對話,激發現今群居空間多元化的操作模式與想像。 因此,本研究將回溯到後現代主義的興起,導引到20世紀晚期資本主義中,重新建構的地理學知識,進而重塑了人們感知的「時間」與「空間」。又台灣在此之中,作為世界主體的邊陲地帶,我們的空間結構亦被重整,並產生新的變化。由此面對不同空間形式所產生的當代社會議題,「新類型公共藝術」的出現,提供了藝術家解決問題的另一種解決之道,而此概念被置入台灣的社會脈絡中,更是以另一種嶄新的姿態,進行在地的社群「擾動」,使原有的聚集方式產生質變。在此,筆者提出台南後壁土溝農村與東山東原社區,兩個同樣為在地卻於發展進程上不盡相同的案例,試圖比較兩者並為當前台灣「社群擾動」提出新的反思與建議。同時,再藉由其他參與式藝術之案例,檢視「社群擾動」中所形塑的關係美學與群體中社會療育之功效。 最後,筆者期許本研究透過檢視「藝術——社會」兩者置入台灣當代的脈絡下,能再次喚起每一位參與者/行動者,仔細審視自身生命經驗中,每一個微小的動態細節,進而觸動一地群聚力量,使得我們所處的環境能夠更加美好。


The revelation of the potential spirit and value of the 2015 British Turner Award first prize through the Assemble Studio reveals a problem that has not yet been fully addressed in Taiwanese contemporary art, that is, thinking about art participation, the social effects of artistic planning/action. It reflects the gradual construction of the self-awareness of a resident by disturbing the subject of the community and changing the behavior of the individual, and through continuous dialogue, stimulates diversified operation modes and imagination of today's pluralistic social space. Therefore, this research will go back to the rise of postmodernism and guide the reconstructed Geography knowledge in the late 20th-century capitalism, and then reshape the "time" and "space" of people perception. In Taiwan, as the world's main frontier, our spatial structure has been restructured and new changes have taken place. Therefore, we face the contemporary social issues arising from different spatial forms, "New Genre Public Art" provides an alternative solution for artists to solve problems, and this concept is placed in Taiwan's social context, but also in a new posture, in the community "disturbance", so that the original way of aggregation to produce qualitative changes. In this paper, the author puts forward TUGO Village at Houbi and Dongyuan Community at Dongshan in Tainan, and the two cases are different in the development process, trying to compare the two and propose new reflections and suggestions for the current "community disturbance" in Taiwan. At the same time, though other cases of participatory art, it examines the relationship aesthetics and the effect of social therapy in community disturbance. In the end, the researcher hopes that this study will be placed into the context of Taiwan’s contemporary era by examining the “Art-Society”, will evoke every participant/actor again and scrutinize every minute dynamic detail in his own life experience, which in turn triggers the power of the group that make our environment more beautiful.


一、 中文部分
曾曬淑。《思考=塑造:Joseph Beuys 的藝術理論與人智學》。臺北:SMCPublishing Inc.,1999 年
