  • 學位論文


Using Multiple Criteria Method to Supply Chain Risk Analysis-A Case on the Military Products

指導教授 : 胡智熊


在現今環境激烈的競爭下,上下游與製造商為了交貨的需求,而形成了供應鏈體系,隨著供應體系的擴大,而有了供應鏈管理的產生。然而在企業與供應商管理的過程中,勢必會存在著風險,如果無視風險的存在,可能會導致企業有重大的損失,嚴重一點可能會使企業倒閉。所以企業在面對市場環境變遷的同時,要提早針對有高風險因素在的地方進行預防措施,以降低不必要的損失。 本研究是以軍用品產業為探討對象,分析其產品之供應鏈風險,藉由關鍵因素的分析,篩選出在軍用品供應鏈中哪些因素影響最為重要,並能作為後續有效預防這些因素所產生的影響。首先先以文獻回顧取得相關的供應鏈風險準則,接者用模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method, FDM)給相關領域的專家填寫問卷,然後篩選出重要的風險因素作為產品供應鏈中的風險評估準則。再用層級分析法( Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP) 以及模糊理想解類似度順序偏好法(Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution, FTOPSIS)來評估產品供應鏈受風險影響的高低。本研究所提供之評估模式,可以提供產品供應鏈管理者能更有效分析與評估產品供應鏈所面臨之風險程度。 本研究以一家知名的軍用品企業其下工廠作為案例,分析其產品在供應鏈風險中要如何有效的控管。研究結果顯示,若企業要有效管理供應鏈風險,由層級分析法來看可優先針對「物料品質穩定性」、「員工素質」、「材料品質」來進行加強控管,四項產品供應鏈由FTOPSIS分析結果來看,要先針對「火箭」的供應鏈產線來進行加強控管。此研究結果可以讓軍用品廠商業者了解高風險的因素,並事先制定防範策略,避免風險發生。


In today’s highly competitive environment, upstream and downstream suppliers and manufacturers have formed a supply chain system to cope with delivery demand. The expansion of the supply system has in turn given rise to supply chain management. However, during company and supplier management processes, certain risks are bound to exist, possibly leading to serious company losses. In severe cases, company bankruptcy may result. Therefore, companies faced with market environment changes must take preventive measures aimed at high risk factor areas in order to reduce unnecessary losses. The military supplies industry was targeted for discussion in this study, and the product supply chain risks were analyzed. Through the analysis of the key factors, the most important factors in the military supplies supply chain were selected, which were used to effectively prevent future impacts arising from these factors. First, through literature reviews, the relevant supply chain risk criteria were obtained. Then, Fuzzy Delphi Method, FDM was employed, and a questionnaire was administered for experts from relevant areas to fill out. The important risk factors were subsequently selected to serve as the risk assessment criteria of the product supply chain. Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP and Fuzzy Hierarchical Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution, Fuzzy TOPSIS were then used to evaluate the level of risk impact on the product supply chain. The evaluation model in this study can enable product supply chain managers to more effectively analyze and evaluate the level of product supply chain risks. In this study, a factory under a well-known military supplies company was adopted as the case study. How to effectively control product supply chain risks was analyzed. Research results show that in order for the company to effectively manage supply chain risks and based on the results obtained through AHP, “raw material quality stability”, “staff quality”, and “material quality” may be prioritized for strengthened control. Based on the results obtained through FTOPSIS, the “rocket” supply chain production line was first targeted for strengthened control. These research results will enable military supplies manufacturers to understand the causes of risks and develop prevention strategies in advance in order to prevent occurrences of risks.


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