  • 學位論文


Using Multiple Criteria Decision Making to Select Smart Phone

指導教授 : 胡智熊


新興市場換機潮與新用戶的加入,加上歐美市場新規格,新應用的持續推出等因素激勵,2010年全球品牌手機出貨量達16億支,較 2009年成長31.8%。拓墣產業研究所副理謝雨珊指出,在智慧型手機快速低價化,iPhone 4上市之下,促使品牌廠相繼推出新款智慧型手機搶市,預估2011年全球智慧型手機出貨量更挑戰4億支關卡,滲透率將從2010年18.9%,攀升至2011年的27.6%,屆時每四款手機中即有一款是智慧型手機。本研究利用陳宜伶(2006)這篇文章所提到的消費者選擇智慧型手機功能因素,做為建立層級分析法問卷的基礎,並進ㄧ步分析智慧型手機採購所考量因素的權重,最後利用偏好順序評估法與灰關聯分析法來找出消費者最佳的智慧型手機品牌採購評選。 本研究結果發現消費者對於採購智慧型手機所在意的5大因素分別為支援系統的軟體的多樣性、手機操作介面之便利性、是否有衛星導航系統、是否有無線上網功能、支援遊戲種類之多寡。藉由智慧型手機品牌的選擇了解到消費喜愛的品牌為SonyEricsson,希望結果可以讓台灣廠商發現自己產品所不足的地方進而改進而提升競爭力。


Gartner reported that worldwide mobile device sales to end users reached 1.6 billion units in 2010; smart phone sales grew 72 percent in 2010, and accounted for 19 percent of total mobile communications device sales in 2010. Strong smart phone sales in the fourth quarter of 2010 pushed Apple and Research In Motion (RIM) up in our 2010 worldwide ranking of mobile device manufacturers to the No. 5 and No. 4 positions, respectively, displacing SonyEricsson and Motorola. This means the smart phone market is soaring. All suppliers pour into high value-added smart phone market, and the market is expected to gain higher revenue and profits. However, most new products are unable to survive in market; especially the technological products like smart phones. The one of reasons is that suppliers take the preferences of engineers instead of consumers’ preferences. The objective of this research is to investigate the consumers’ preferences of function attributes of smart phones. The questionnaires were first given to the experts/sales in the cell phone shops to collect the relatively important function attributes. Then, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) questionnaires were given to the smart phone users, and the data is used to derive the weight of function attributes. Finally, Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution(TOPSIS)、Grey Relational Analysis(GRA) were used to select the best choice of smart phones. The results of the research showed: 1. There are 15 important function attributes picked up by experts/sales in the cell phone shops. 2. After the AHP, the top five function attributes are application software, global positioning system (GPS), user interface, Internet connectivity, and games. 3. Based on the weight of function attributes, SonyEricsson is selected by using TOPSIS and GRA. However, iPhone is the best seller in the smart phone market right now; thus, it may indicate that the function attributes are not the only decision factor of consumer to select a smart phone.


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