  • 學位論文


Smart Manufacturing Study of the Innovative Mushroom Production Line

指導教授 : 周榮源


全球菇類生產量持續增加,但是相較於其他農業產品,菇類是一種較難栽培之生物種。近年來因為高科技技術在農業之應用越益廣泛,菇類生產開始利用科技技術來增加產量與品質,以取代傳統人工栽培模式。 本文主要朝兩個主題來建立及解決菇類栽培過程中之機械化與自動化問題。首先,創新設計一套由基質裝填階段至準備走菌階段之自動化生產流程,生產線設計以袋式生產為基準,將傳統人工操作之動作以自動化機械模組取代。藉由軟體模擬功能來建構一個虛擬工廠環境,以整合製程規劃與生產製造,設計出滿足客戶需求之工廠布置。其次,應用工業4.0技術來實現菇類產線之設計,利用自動控制模組來整合整條產線功能,以達成彈性且可重組之智慧製造系統。本文所建立之智慧製造產線通訊架構中具有監控平台、個別模組自動控制及網際或遠端資料監控與擷取等功能。


Although production of mushrooms worldwide has been steadily increasing, comparing to other agricultural cultivations, mushrooms still gained the reputation of being a difficult organism to cultivate. Recently, following the vast wave of high-tech application in agriculture, the mushroom productions started to utilize technologies to increase the productive and quality of mushroom culture in place of traditional handwork cultivation. This study establishes and solves the mechanization and automation problem in the mushroom cultivation process with two objectives. The first objective is to design an innovative automated manufacturing process started from packing substrate stage to “ready to breed” bags stage. The production line applies to the manufacture of mushrooms which grown in plastic bags. Tradition handwork stages are replaced by automated modules. By constructing a virtual plant environment (simulation software) to implement integration between process planning and manufacturing execution, the plant layout problem has been solved on customer requirement. The second objective is to implement the Industry 4.0 technology to mushroom production line design and to integrate the functional automation modules inside a production line to implement a flexible and reconfigurable smart manufacturing system. This study presents a communication framework that incorporates supervisory control terminal, individual automation module, and the internet through supervisory control and data acquisition control system allowed remote control and data acquisition.


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[6] Manufacturer Automation Inc, http://www.manuauto.com/industry-4-0/.
