  • 學位論文


Study of Automatic Bagging Modules for Mushroom Cultivation

指導教授 : 周榮源


本研究為設計一自動套袋裝置並對其功能參數作效率測試。自動套袋機是菇類自動化生產系統中很重要的環節,一般套袋機可分為置袋部、取袋部、開袋部及套袋部,在設計階段上,以先前技術-自動填充機作延伸設計,因太空包在機械操作上變形幅度大,掌控性低,在諸多條件限制下,使套袋的動作設計更須多方考量,本研究依據工程設計方法的部分流程,從相關資料蒐集分析、問題定義、規格訂定、概念設計到具體化設計,設計出一自動套袋機,並發包製作以進行效能實測,在操作中觀察袋體的變化狀態並以改變袋體抓取點、真空吸盤數量及真空產生器的氣壓大小等環境參數來檢測其穩定值。本研究觀察對於太空包包裝袋體所使用的真空吸盤須具吸附不規則形的吸嘴才足以吸住包裝袋體,於吸盤數量比較中,單邊兩個吸盤的穩定性高於單邊一個吸盤,其吸取位置距袋頂以40mm處效果較為理想,且吸盤使用的真空產生器以單一個別銜接所產生之效果較好,其取袋所須的真空壓力輸入以4 kgf/cm2為穩定最低標準,開袋與套袋所須的真空壓力輸入以5 kgf/cm2為穩定最低標準。


太空包 套袋 菇類自動化


This study was designed to test an automatic bagging equipment and its function parameters for efficiency. Automatic bagging machine is a mushroom automated production system is a very important part of, general bagging machine can be placed into the bag, pick up the bag, opened the bag and the bag set into, in the design phase to the previous technology - automatic filling machine designed for extension, because space bag on a large range of mechanical deformation operation, control is low, under many conditions, so bagging multi-action design must also consider, in this paper, part of the process according to the engineering design process, from the collection and analysis of relevant information, problem definition, standard setting, conceptual design to detailed design, design of an automatic bagging machine, and contract production for performance measurement, the observed changes in the state of operation to change the bag and the bag grab points, the number of vacuum suction pressure and vacuum generators and other environmental parameters to detect the size of its stable value, this study was bagging bags for vacuum suction space used by the body requires adsorption irregularly shaped nozzle was enough to suck bags, the number of comparisons in the sucker, sucker is higher than the stability of the two-sided one-sided sucker , which draw from the bag top positions at the effect is more ideal to 40mm, and the effect of vacuum suction cups used generators to better individual convergence arising, take the bag to be entered in a vacuum pressure of 4 kgf/cm2 stable minimum standards, open the bag and vacuum bagging the required input pressure to 5 kgf/cm2 stable minimum standards


PP bags bagging Mushroom automation


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