  • 學位論文


A Study on the Satisfaction between the Community Leaders and Residents of Rural Rejuvenation

指導教授 : 黃志成


過去對於政府所推行的農村政策,多是直接讓社區領袖與社區居民無法提出想法與建議,到現在農村再生計畫精神便是打破以往由上而下的方式,改以社區自主性提出夢想設計和規劃,使社區未來發展成為內心所期望的樣子,農村再生計畫推廣迄今已有5年之久,過去學者多以農村再生計畫對於農村所帶來的改變為研究重點,如農村景觀、社區經濟等,但至今尚未有人以滿意度的概念來衡量農村再生計畫政策執行成效,本研究主要目的透過專家焦點團體,發展出適合農村再生計畫滿意度量表進行測量,並探討社區領袖與社區居民的滿意度現況,及了解兩者間的關聯性。 研究者參與水土保持局委託戶外遊憩協會的「農村再生社區評鑑機制之建置」研究計畫,此研究以截止到2013年7月全台核定農村再生計畫社區之社區領袖和居民作為研究對象,透過多種管道收集大量問卷數,本研究採用此計畫問卷數據一部分進行分析,透過亂數表進行隨機抽樣,抽取出500份社區領袖問卷和500份社區居民問卷,問卷資料處理運用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與灰關聯分析。 從研究結果得知,在性別、教育程度、職業、所在縣市與社區農村再生計畫申請類型不同的社區領袖在滿意度上具有顯著性差異;社區居民在年齡、教育程度、職業、參與狀況及社區農村再生計畫申請類型在滿意度上具有顯著性差異,本研究提出的社區領袖及社區居民因個人背景屬性不同對農村再生計畫政策滿意度有顯著差異獲得支持,經灰關聯分析後,結果顯示社區領袖和社區居民最為滿意的是政策認同構面,滿意程度較低的是生產構面,根據本研究結果,從生活、生態文化及生產面向對社區提出相關建議。


In the past, the rural policy was implemented by the government, and the local community had no change to participate the decision-making; however, the rural regeneration plan broke the top-down process but asked for the local residents’ thoughts to design and plan it. The rural regeneration plan has been carried out for almost five years. The previous scholars have been focused on the changes that the plan brought into, such as local landscapes and local economy; however, there is no study conducting the satisfaction with the plan and evaluating the execution efficiency. Thus, the researcher developed the satisfaction scale about the rural regeneration plan to explore the leaders’ and the residents’ satisfaction in the local community and to understand the relationship between two factors via the focus group interview. The researcher participated in the project “Setting up the Evaluation System for the Rural Regeneration Plan” in outdoor recreation association of R.O.C. The project was authorized by Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan. The participants were the leaders and the residents in the local communities with the rural regeneration plan in Taiwan in July, 2013. Questionnaires were conducted. The study utilized a simple random sampling to collect 500 copies of questionnaires from the leaders and 500 copies of questionnaires from the residents in the project. Then, descriptive statistic, an independent-samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, and grey relational analysis were used to analyze collected data. The results of the study show that the leader’s gender, educational background, occupation, location, and the type of the rural regeneration plan have a significant difference on satisfaction; the resident’s age, educational background, occupation, participation, and the type of the rural regeneration plan have a signification difference on satisfaction. Therefore, the study shows that the leaders’ and the residents’ different demographic characters may have a significant difference on satisfaction. Besides, based on the result of grey relational analysis, it shows that policy identity is the most satisfied item, and production is the least satisfied item. As a result, the researcher proposed some suggestions for the local communities from the aspects of living environment, the eco-system, and production.


王麗雲(2012)。農村再生條例對於社區永續發展之探討─以龍山社區為例。未出 版之碩士論文,康寧大學休閒資源暨綠色產業學系,台南市。


