  • 學位論文


Study on Correlation among Personality Traits, Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment of Security Personnel in Correctional Institutions: Using Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan Areas as Examples

指導教授 : 鄧誠中
共同指導教授 : 紀麗秋


刑事司法體系係由偵查、起訴、審判和矯正所構成,而矯正機關職司受刑人戒護與教化工作,尤以戒護管理人員日夜需嚴密戒護監控受刑人,以確保國家刑罰權的執行,面對這高壓力與危險性的工作,具備何種人格特質的戒護管理人員,能表現出對工作投入與高組織承諾感,殊值得探討。 本研究係以雲林、嘉義、臺南地區四所矯正機關,配屬於戒護科之戒護管理人員為研究對象,經由文獻探討建構本研究的基本假設,並採問卷調查方式,旨在探討戒護管理人員五大人格特質、工作投入與組織承諾的相關性,問卷內容計有矯正人員基本資料、人格特質量表、工作投入量表、組織承諾量表等四部分為研究工具,經預試後發放問卷,問卷總計發出640份,回收後經整理有效問卷為461份,總回收率為72.03%,再以SPSS統計軟體施以統計,針對效度評鑑後進行因素分析及信度考驗顯示信效度良好,並以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、薛費事後檢定、皮爾遜積差相關及逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,茲歸納主要研究結果如下: 一、雲林、嘉義、臺南地區個人屬性不同的戒護管理人員於人格特質、工作投入、組織承諾均有部份顯著差異。 二、人格特質對工作投入具顯著正相關,人格特質對組織承諾亦具顯著正相關,工作投入對組織承諾也具顯著正相關。 三、五大人格特質除和善性外其餘特質對工作投入具有預測性,其中以嚴謹自律性最具預測力;五大人格特質除和善性外其餘特質對組織承諾具有預測性,其中以嚴謹自律性最具預測力;工作投入對組織承諾亦具有預測性。 關鍵字:矯正機關、戒護管理人員、五大人格特質、工作投入、組織承諾


Criminal justice system consists of investigation, prosecution, judgment and correction. Correctional institutions are in charge of security and guidance of prison inmates. Security personnel, in particular, should carefully supervise prison inmates day and night in order to guarantee the execution of national penalty right. Regarding such highly stressful and dangerous work, what are personality traits of security personnel which lead to job involvement and high organizational commitment? It is worthy of further study. This study treated security personnel of security section in four correctional institutions in Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan areas as subjects. By literature review, this study constructed basic assumptions of this study and adopts questionnaire survey, and explored the correlation among security personnel’s Big Five personality traits, job involvement and organizational commitment. The questionnaire content includes basic information of correction personnel, scale of personality traits, scale of job involvement and scale of organizational commitment. After pretest, 640 questionnaires were distributed, and 461 valid samples were retrieved, with a valid return rate of 72.03%. The data were analyzed by SPSS for descriptive statistics, t test of independent samples, One-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s Method, Pearson product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression. According to factor analysis and reliability test of validity evaluation, the reliability and validity are good. The main findings are shown as follows: 1.In Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan areas, security personnel with different personal attributes have significant difference on personality traits, job involvement and organizational commitment. 2.Personality traits significantly and positively influence job involvement. Personality traits significantly and positively influence organizational commitment. Job involvement significantly and positively influences organizational commitment. 3.Except for agreeableness, Big Five personality traits can predict job involvement. Prediction of conscientiousness is the most significant. Except for agreeableness, Big Five personality traits can predict organizational commitment. Prediction of conscientiousness is the most significant. Job involvement can predict organizational commitment. Keywords: correctional institution, security personnel, Big Five personality traits, job involvement, organizational commitment


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