  • 學位論文

休閒參與、休閒滿意度與工作滿意度關聯性之研究 -以雲林縣政府人事處所屬人事人員為例

The Research on the Relevance of Participate in Leisure,Leisure Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction-By Case of Department of Personnel,Yunlin County Government

指導教授 : 林俊男
共同指導教授 : 黃士哲(Shih-Che Huang)


本研究旨在探討雲林縣政府人事處所屬人事人員其休閒參與、休閒滿意度與工作滿意度之現況與相關情形,針對雲林縣政府人事處暨所屬機關學校編制人事人員總共128人,採用網路問卷調查法,收回份數103份問卷,有效問卷為103 份,回收率為80%,利用SPSS for Windows 20.0對所得資料進行統計分析,獲得如下結論: 一、人事人員其休閒參與在動態的休閒活動較少,以靜態的視聽娛樂參與率最高,建議規劃運動休閒室或設置運動器材,並藉由研習時數之核發,鼓勵假日踴躍從事動態休閒活動。 二、人事人員在技巧性的休閒活動項目參與率偏低,以輕鬆且方便取得的視聽娛樂參與率最高,建議辦理休閒技藝的研習講座、藝術參訪之文康活動因應。 三、女性的人事人員在「球類運動」、「水上活動(游泳、潛水、划船…等)」、「騎自行車」參與頻率低於男性的人事人員,可能受限於傳統觀念上的對性別角色期待有關,和體力上的限制,建議成立女性動態休閒社團,融入親子參與,如「一日人事人員體驗活動」。 四、服務年資在1-10年及擔任非主管職務人事人員「在對機關所在地區的環境」較不滿意,因尚在限制轉調期間,建議提供住宿或交通車等誘因降低抱怨。 五、薦任官等的人事人員在「對機關的人事考核制度」滿意度低於簡任和委任的人事人員,因學校薦任的人事人員工作份量繁重,建議落實公平公正考核制度,並適時給予獎勵。 六、未婚的人事人員在「對與民眾之間的互動和溝通」滿意度低於已婚的人事人員,因缺少與配偶在家庭生活中的互動與溝通經驗,建議辦理未婚聯誼,擴大社交生活領域。 七、非主管的人事人員在「對能有機會參與機關行政決策」滿意度低於主管的人事人員,主管的人事人員會提供機關首長行政建議,建議授權非主管人事人員參與決策,辦理午餐約會,聽取工作上的改善方案。 八、不同服務年資變項的人事人員在工作滿意度上有顯著的差異,服務年資介於1-10年 的人事人員在「對目前的工作時間」滿意度最低,因資歷較淺,對於工作方法、流程較不熟悉,建議成立人事人員專業學習社群,經由經驗分享,迅速完成工作。 關鍵字:休閒參與、休閒滿意度、工作滿意度


The purpose of research is to understand on the relevance of leisure participation, leisure satisfaction, and job satisfaction. The department of the personnel staff of Yunlin government subordinated to organization and school mechanism is 128. 103 questionnaires have been collected, among them fidelity is 103, and returning rate is 80%. “SPSS for Window 20.0” has been used to statistically analyze data, and leads to conclude eight points below. 1. Personnel staff leisure participates fewer in dynamic leisure activities and highly joins static visual and audio activities. The study suggests that personnel staff gets relaxed in motion lounge and installs sports equipment. The study highly recommends them to enthusiastically join leisure activities on vacation and also issues study hours. 2. Personnel staff in the participation rates of statically leisure activities is lower. They highly tend to take an easygoing and relaxing video entertainment. The study maintains that personnel staff takes part in leisure crafts in seminar and cultural and recreation activity of art observation. 3. Female personnel staff takes lower parts in ball, water, swimming, diving, rowing, and biking than male personnel staff does. This is highly relevant to traditional concepts for gender roles and for the limitations of physical strength. The study recommends them to create group with parental participation, like the day personnel staff experience activities. 4. With years of one to ten and as a head of personnel staff fail to content circumstances in local institutions. They are assigned to live away dwelling in terms of promotion and duration of reemployment restrictions. The study suggests that government offers accommodations or shuttles to conduct incentives and to reduce complaint. 5. The satisfactions of personnel associate officers are lower satisfied than personnel senior officers and personnel delegation officers of personnel examination systems because personnel associate officers are having heavy workloads. The study suggests that organizations should implement the examination systems fairly and righteously. 6. The satisfactions of unmarried personnel staff are lower satisfied than married ones from mutuality and communication within the public due to the lack of mutuality and communication with a spouse in family. The study recommends that organizations should held unmarried groups to extend social life territory. 7. The satisfactions of non-manager personnel staff are lower satisfied than manager personnel staff from organization executive decisions on opportunity participation. The managers in personnel staff can offer the deans with executive suggestions. The study suggests that organizations authorize the non-manager personnel staff to join decisions, to held lunch appointments, and to improve cases at work. 8. It has significant different in the options of differently service years of personnel staff in the job satisfactions. Personnel staff worked from one to ten years are lower satisfied to current work hours due to their earlir years at work. They are not familiar with the ways of work and process. The study suggests that organizations should set up professional learning groups for personnel staff and share experiences to rapidly finish work. Keywords: Leisure participation, Leisure satisfaction, Job satisfaction


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