  • 學位論文


Design of GAE E-learning System by Employing SOA

指導教授 : 吳昌憲


隨著通訊技術與網際網路的發展,使得教育方式也越來越多元。而將數位學習系統導入雲端架構,已是勢在必行的趨勢。近年來有越來越多議題,在探討如何利用這些資訊科技來改善舊有教學方式之不足。在傳統課堂發問時,可能因學習者之個人因素或是授課環境不良等問題,造成學習者無法完全獲取知識,導致學習上的落差,教師在授課時也不易掌握學生學習狀態。因此本研究擬定設計一套數位學習系統來改善學習者在學習落差之情形,能夠透過系統上的公告板及留言板功能,與教師同儕之間進行意見及知識交流,教師亦可以將課堂教材與補充資料上傳至系統上給予學生自行瀏覽、下載。 本研究以服務導向架構(Service Oriented Architecture, SOA)的概念,利用Google所提供的GAE(Google App Engine)平台為基礎,以Python語言來建置出一套數位學習系統,提供學習者更便利的學習方式,藉以提升學習成效。


數位學習 服務導向架構 GAE


In recent years, more and more issues are to explore how to use the information technology to improve the teaching methods. When learning and asking questions in the traditional classroom, the students may have learning gap and cannot fully acquire knowledge due to the personal factors or poor teaching environment. The teachers do not easily control students’ learning status as well while giving lessons. Therefore in this study, the SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) concept is employed, and a python-based e-learning system is designed and developed on the Google’s GAE (Google App Engine) platform. Through bulletin board and message board features on the system, the class materials and knowledge can be exchanged between teachers and students. Besides, supplementary information can also be uploaded to the system for future review. This provides a more convenient way to enhance learning and hopefully improve the learning effectiveness.


E-learning SOA GAE


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