  • 學位論文


Literature Review of Cultivation and Physiological Activity of Abelmoschus esculentus

指導教授 : 楊源昌


秋葵又叫美人指,羊角豆。學名是 Abelmoschus esculentus,原產於非洲,後 來再轉植到全世界。它的抗病性強,蟲害少。營養豐富。近來成為一種熱門蔬菜。 台灣在 1970 年引進秋葵。根據 100 年農業統計年報指出,秋葵全年種植面積為 127.29 公碩,目前台灣以嘉義縣鹿草鄉,朴子市,義竹鄉,屏東縣枋寮鄉,花 蓮縣吉安鄉等鄉鎮種植面積最多,可知秋葵的生產與消費人口正逐漸增加中。目 前市售的品種有五福,永福,清福,萬春,碧春等。秋葵的營養成分含有蛋白質、 脂肪、碳水化合物及豐富的維他命 A 和 B 群、鈣、磷、鐵等。秋葵的鈣質比牛 奶多,因此常為素食者作為補充鈣質的來源。秋葵的根莖葉花果實子,都具有用 途,皆可透過加工處理,可說是全身都是寶。這幾年來有許多相關研究報導指出 秋葵可幫助糖尿病患者降低血糖及對患有惡性腫瘤有抑制的功效,亦有美白保溼 的功能。此外因為含有豐富的鐵質,所以有幫助造血的功能,可預防貧血。也因 為有低熱量,高纖維和豐富的蛋白質的特性,所以減重者常拿來食用。因此國內 外廠商依據秋葵的特性,研發出許多有關秋葵的保健食品,美容保養品。 本論文將對秋葵種植管理與生理活性進行分析探討,也對市售秋葵保健食品,美 容產品的整理比較。希望可以提供一系列秋葵的相關研究資訊。希望有助於未來 秋葵產品的更多開發。。


秋葵 栽培 如何保存 生理活性 保健食品


Abelmoschus esculentus also called beauty fingers. Originating in Africa, and later transferred to the world. It is resistant to disease, less pests. full of nutrition. Has recently become a popular vegetable. Taiwan introduced the okra in 1901. According to the 100-year Agricultural Statistical Annual Report, the annual acreage of okra is 127.29 percent, and Taiwan is currently cultivated in the township of Chiu Township, Puzi City, Yiwu Township, Pingtung County Fangliao Township, Hualien County, Ji'an Township At most, it is known that the production and consumption of okra are increasing. Currently available varieties of Wu Fu, Yongfu, Qing Fu, Wan Chun, Bi spring and so on. The ingredients of okra contain protein, fat, carbohydrates and rich vitamins A and B, calcium, phosphorus, iron and so on. Okra is more calcium than milk, so often vegetarian as a source of calcium supplement. Okra root and leaf fruit and fruit, have a use, can be processed through, can be said that the whole body is treasure. Over the past few years there have been many related research reports that okra can help patients with diabetes lower blood sugar and inhibit the efficacy of malignant tumors, there are whitening moisturizing function. In addition, because it is rich in iron, so there is help hematopoietic function, can prevent anemia. But also because of low calorie, high fiber and rich protein properties, so weight loss are often used to eat. Therefore, domestic and foreign manufacturers based on the characteristics of okra, developed a lot of health food related to okra, beauty care products. In this paper, the management and physiological activities of okra were analyzed and discussed, and the comparison of the marketing products of okra health food and beauty products was also discussed. Hope to provide a series of related research information of okra. Hoping to contribute to the future development of future oku products.


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