  • 學位論文


The Integrating System of Automatic Testing and Shock Response Spectrum Analysis for Transformer Inrush Current

指導教授 : 鄭健隆


本文旨在利用LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench,LabVIEW)整合變壓器湧流特性自動測試與衝擊響應頻譜分析系統。LabVIEW係著重於電腦自動化流程圖形化的軟體語言,具有強大資料擷取與儀器控制能力,能即時進行分析與研判。本文予以應用至變壓器湧流特性的量測及分析,並以虛擬儀表的方式呈現,達成自動測試與頻譜分析之目的。所研發之自動測試系統主要以可程式規劃系統晶片(Programmable System on Chip,PSoC)為核心,設計控制電路,達成自動測試之功能。並以衝擊響應頻譜分析方法,針對暫態湧流與故障電流,進行即時正確分析與判斷,達到有效辨別的目的。發展的整合系統之人機介面,具有良好的人性化設計。最後,以Photon II振動頻譜分析儀的實測結果驗證,証明發展的自動測試與分析系統具有很好的準確度與實用性。


湧流 衝擊響應頻譜 LabVIEW PSoC


Integration of automatic test of transformer inrush current and shock response spectrum analysis using LabVIEW software is discussed in this thesis. The LabVIEW is a software language with emphasis on computer automation flow chart type. It has strong data acquisition and instrument control ability. It can be applied to analyze and judge data immediately. In this thesis, the LabVIEW is used to measure and analyze inrush current. The experimenttal results are presented by virtual instruments. The purpose of automatic testing and spectrum analysis can be reached. The developed automatic testing system is mainly based on the Programmable System on Chip (PSoC). It is used to design control circuit for function of the automatic testing. Besides, the shock response spectrum analysis method is applied to distinguish transient inrush current from fault current. The developed man-machine interface of the integrating system has good humanistic design. Finally, the integrating system is examined by experimental results with Photon II vibration spectrum analysis instrument. The good accuracy and practicality of the proposed integrating system is uerified from the measured results.


Inrush Current Shock Response Spectrum LabVIEW PSoC


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