  • 學位論文


Threshold Effects of Inflation on Banking Sector Performance in the ASEAN-6 Countries

指導教授 : 賴雅雯


本研究探討通貨膨脹門檻值對銀行部門績效的影響。實證結果顯示,東協國家通貨膨脹門檻較低。本研究採用固定效應迴歸模型(Fixed effect model)進行分析,研究樣本為六個東協國家在1996-2014年的追蹤資料 (panel data),六個東盟國家分別為柬埔寨、印度尼西亞、馬來西亞、菲律賓、泰國和越南。本研究使用不同的指標來測量銀行業績效表現,研究結果發現通膨與銀行的績效表現具有顯著的門檻效應,即當通貨膨脹率在門檻值以下,銀行部門績效表現隨通貨膨脹率而提高;當通貨膨脹率超過門檻值,這個正面的影響逐漸消失。同時,不同的衡量指標面臨不同的通膨門檻值。因此,本研究結果有助於決策者決定適合銀行體系發展的目標通貨膨脹率。


This study aims to test the threshold effect of inflation on banking sector performance. Our research can be considered as one of the scant empirical studies on the inflation-threshold effect in ASEAN countries. The research applies the fixed effect models (FEM) using annual data panel of the ASEAN-6 countries including Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia﹐ Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam over the period of 1996-2014. Using different indicators to measure banking development, the threshold regression results show strong evidences of the inflation-threshold effect in the inflation-banking relationship. However, we found different aspects of banking activities have different levels of inflation thresholds. Therefore, the findings will be a basis for the policy-makers to determine a target inflation rate to stimulate the banking system development.


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