  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Gold, Oil, and US Dollar Index Futures

指導教授 : 鄧誠中
共同指導教授 : 紀麗秋


近年來美國不斷地發行美元,以致美元貨幣不斷的貶值,引發投資市場中對美元的不信任,因此投資人將資金逐漸轉向風險較小且保值性佳的貨幣及商品,例如:黃金,故而使黃金價格持續上揚,因此黃金被視為資金避難所。 黃金相較於其他貴金屬不單純只有商品的角色,更有投資及儲蓄的功能,而石油價格持續上漲,就整體經濟而言,會使企業成本上升、獲利減少,而且企業將成本轉嫁至消費者身上,帶動產品本身物價上漲,對消費者需求也有抑止作用,不利經濟的成長,原物料都會因成本上漲受到影響,而產生明顯通貨膨脹。 黃金及石油價格的波動關連性與美元指數三者間存在著關聯性,因此本研究利用單根檢定、向量自我迴歸VAR模型 (vector autoregression model)來判斷三者間的影響程度,並以共整合檢定與Granger因果關係檢定,來判斷黃金期貨價格、紐約輕原油價格、美元指數三者間之因果關係。 單根檢定的結果,發現三個指數間呈現非定態,利用Johansen之最大概似法對指數間是否存在共整合關係進行檢定,檢定結果發現三指數間並不存在共整合關係,顯示研究指數間長期而言,並非維持著一個相同方向之走勢,亦即不具長期均衡關係。因此本研究進一步以向量自我迴歸VAR模型來觀察變數間之短期互動,實證結果顯示變數間存在落後關係。


As compared to other precious metals, gold is not only a commodity but has functions of investment and savings. While oil prices continue to rise, in the overall economy, the cost of business operation increases, while the profit decreases. Companies thus transfer the cost to consumers, driving the product prices upward. Such action curbs the consumer demands, and is adverse to economic growth. As the raw materials are affected by rising costs, serious inflation will thus result. The fluctuations of gold prices, oil prices and US dollar index are correlated. Therefore, this study employs unit root test, and the vector autoregression model (VAR) to determine the degree of influence between the above three indices. The cointegration test and Granger causality test are conducted to determine the causality between gold futures prices, NY light crude oil prices, and the US dollar index. The result reveals that the relationships between three indices are non-stationary. The Johansen maximum likelihood method is applied to test whether there is a cointegration relationship between the indices. The testing results suggest that there is no cointegration relationship between the three indices, indicating that the long term trends of the three indices are not in the same direction. In other words, there is no long term equilibrium relationship. Hence, this study employs the VAR model to observe the short-term interactions of the variables, and the empirical results suggest that there are lagging relationships between variables.


gold oil US dollar index unit root test cointegration test VAR model


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