  • 學位論文

地方飲食文化與休憩關係之研究- 以雲林虎尾小吃意象及體驗為例

Study on Relationship Between Local Diet Culture and Recreaction - a Case on Street Food Image and Experience in Huwei Yunlin

指導教授 : 郭漢鍠


本研究目的在探討消費者對雲林縣虎尾鎮地方小吃的體驗與意象是否會因其消費者之背景不同而有差異,以及因飲食習慣不同而衍生出飲食之意象與感受地方小吃之體驗;研究針對來雲林縣虎尾鎮的消費者為受測對象,透過問卷調查法以便利抽樣獲得相關樣本資料,樣本共發出291 份有效問卷,並採用敘述性統計分析、信度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變與異數分析及簡單相關分析進行資料解析,了解消費者對虎尾地方小吃體驗與意象,也提出消費者社經背景對其地方小吃的體驗及意象下之差異,並提出飲食消費者的特性,進而明瞭虎尾小吃文化、生活型態和傳統特色。


The purposes of this study were to investigate consumers’ experiences and image perceptions toward Taiwan local street diet, and what different they were in two dimensions each from consumers’ background. The same time did they tell a local diet story from inhabitant and place custom or culture. This study adopted some interviewing records and a quantitative research method using questionnaires to collect data from local township Huwei Taiwan. A total of 291 useful questionnaires were collected and analyzed with statistic method. Descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, t test, ANOVA and correlation analysis were employed to find out results. The results indicated that diet experiences and images affected comsumers’ constructs all which they passed confidential level through designated from reliability and validility by questionaire’s items analyzed. In addiction, based on the significant findings, theoretical and practical implications were discussed. To sum up, there were some explicit concepts to illustrate what different relationship between contructs and two dimensions the results provided, that showed up the reflection in relation to cultural atmosphere, tradition, lifestyle and identification in locality through street diet in Huwei.


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