  • 學位論文


Study on the content of resveratrol in Arachis hypogaea

指導教授 : 石麗仙


花生是台灣重要雜糧作物,主要產地為彰化雲林一帶。雲林縣花生種植面積占約全國70%,年產量約達五萬噸。然而花生價格易受天候或農民搶種等因素影響,導致產銷供應失衡,起伏落差大,因此增加花生產品多元化,開發新產品與應用功能,才能提高花生價值。 白藜蘆醇(Resveratrol)為一種多酚類化合物,具有抗氧化作用,可以為人類提供如:在臨床醫學中用於預防和治療癌症、心血管疾病和神經性疾病的保護活性。目前白藜蘆醇不僅應用於保健食品,更備受美容業者青睞。因此,為提供白藜蘆醇的其他來源,同時亦希望增加國內花生的應用,故針對花生中各種不同部分,利用高效液相色譜法檢測花生根、莖、膜、芽中的白藜蘆醇含量。 結果顯示,白花生與黑仁花生根部抽出物的白藜蘆醇含量雖低,但因其為農業廢棄物,成本低且取得容易,可能開發成未來白藜蘆醇取得來源之一。由本研究的發現希望能為花生展現新價值,此外,於探討白藜蘆醇萃取來源時,也可做為參考資料。


Peanut is an important cereal crop in Taiwan, the main production area is Changhua and Yunlin counties. The planting area accounted for 70% in Yunlin county, the annual output about 50,000 tons. However, the price of peanuts is susceptible to the weather, farmers' snatching and other factors, leading to imbalance in production and sales supply that causes the price fluctuation to be large. Therefore, the value of peanuts can be improved by the products diversification and application of peanuts. Resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound with an antioxidant activity, provided protective benefits for human, such as in prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurological disease in clinic. Moreover, resveratrol is not only used in the function food, but also favored by cosmetic industry. In order to increase the application of peanut and provide the other source of resveratrol, the aim of this study is detected the content of resveratrol of different peanut parts, including roots, stems, membranes and buds, by the high performance liquid chromatography method. The results showed that the content of resveratrol in the extracts of white or black peanuts’ roots were low. However, the low cost and easy to extract reverstrol from the roots of peanuts, which were agricultural wastes, peanuts’ roots may develop as a new source of resveratrol in the future. This study showed the new value for peanuts. In addition, the result can also be used as a reference when exploring the source of resveratrol extraction.


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