  • 學位論文


Through A Condition Satisfied Perspective Discussion Critical Factors in Enterprise Resource Planning System

指導教授 : 簡德金


儘管已有不少學者提出各項成功關鍵因素之研究與成果,提醒企業重視與強化相關領域,並協助解決企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)導入過程中碰到的各項問題,使企業成功導入企業資源規劃系統。但卻常因企業無法掌握各項關鍵因素,屬於哪個企業資源規劃導入階段外,而造成企業資源規劃系統無法順利導入。究其原因,是企業無法得知各項關鍵因素需提出哪些滿足條件,才是無法順利導入企業資源規劃系統的核心問題所在。 為此,本研究將在(1)文獻探討中,了解企業資源規劃導入相關步驟與階段、收集企業資源規劃查核點、企業資源規劃關鍵因素以及彙整資訊系統成功程度;(2)運用質性研究方法,建立「企業資源規劃導入階段之查核點」,並篩選出過去學者提出較佳之企業資源規劃導入階段;(3)接著,將文獻收集/彙整到的63項企業資源規劃關鍵因素,歸類到企業資源規劃導入階段架構中,進而建立「企業資源規劃導入各階段之關鍵因素」並以此為基礎;(4)推導出「企業資源規劃各階段之滿足條件」;(5)為驗證企業資源規劃各階段之滿足條件,本研究依據資訊系統成功程度所提之階段內容為基礎,推導出「企業資源規劃完成程度4等級」;(6) 最後,建立企業資源規劃各階段之滿足條件及企業資源規劃完成程度4等級相關性問卷,並對7家企業進行訪談。了解企業資源規劃完成程度各等級需要哪些滿足條件。 研究結果發現,若企業要達成更高的目標時,基礎工作需要越完善。此外,部分滿足條件都有出現在企業資源規劃完成程度4等級之各等級中,而這些滿足條件也是企業在導入企業資源規劃時最基本需注意事項。藉此,讓企業持續觀注/監控各項導入程序,使得企業能夠降低企業資源規劃導入失敗的風險。


Although many scholars have proposed various researchs of key success factors, remind enterprise to strengthen related area, assist enterprise to resolve the problem in ERP implementation processes, enable enterprise can implement ERP system successfully. However, because enterprise can’t know in different ERP implementation stage, enterprise should grasp what key factors, caused ERP system can’t be implemented successfully. The real issue is enterprise can know each key factor should satisfy what condition. Therefor, this study will: (1) Through literature to understand implementation steps, stage, checkpointing, and degree of information systems accomplishment; (2) Use qualitative research methods to build “ERP checkpointing of implementation stage”, and select a better ERP implementation stage from many scholars’ researchs; (3) compile 63 ERP key factors from literature review, classify into the architecture of ERP implementation stage, and build “key factors of ERP implenetation stage”; (4)Based on “key factors of ERP implementation stage” , this study proposed “satisfaction condition of ERP implementation stage”; (6)Build questionnaire for relation between satisfaction condition of ERP implementation and degree of ERP accomplishment, and interview with 7 enterprises, to grasp how to satisfy each degree of ERP accomplishment. This study found that if enterprise desires to reach higer degree of ERP accomplishment, then fundational infrasture should be built more perfect. In addition, some condition appears in each degree of ERP accomplishment, so enterprise should pay more attention to satisfy these conditions. Thus, enterprise can keep monitoring every process of ERP implementation, and avoid the risks of ERP implementation fault.


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