  • 學位論文


Optimizing Green Hotel Amenities Using Taguchi Method

指導教授 : 顧瑞祥
共同指導教授 : 林士彥(Shih-Yen Lin)


當人類面臨全球暖化危機時,環保逐漸被現代人所重視,所以企業在實施政策或設計產品上會推行環保觀念。近年來,國內產業結構的變遷,服務業已成為國內主要導向的產業,觀光旅遊業的比重增加,旅館業可稱之觀光產業的核心,環保旅館也因應而生,政府雖然已有訂定一套環保旅館標準,但我國認證的旅館只有兩家,雖然國內旅館都有意實施環保政策,在實行上還是有困難度。本研究探討顧客在住宿時,針對旅館客房備品放置組合,顧客的知覺反應。主要利用文獻資料蒐集及問卷調查的方式,先配合田口實驗設計(Taguchi's design experiment),分析出目前國人對於環保旅館備品上的需求為何。其研究結果發現,備品中有三種為顧客所需要,為「衛生紙」、「毛巾&浴巾」、「牙膏&牙刷」三者為最顯著,將正向顯著之備品因子進行反應曲面法分析(Response Surface Methodology, RSM),找出最佳備品配置組合,當配置備品為最低水準時,顧客就可達到最佳滿意度。希望藉由本研究實驗結果,讓企業在實施環保旅館備品配置時能達到顧客最大的滿意度。


Due to the ever increasing deterioration of global warming, the awareness for environment protection has thus been enhanced by the humans. Many commodities, strategies have been fulfilled and improved in compliance with eco-friendly ideology. The eco-friendly hotels have thus been developed. The industry structure of Taiwan has already transformed into service-industry orientation mainly. The composition ratio of tourism in the service industry has been increasing in stable pace accordingly. The hotel industry is commonly assumed as the core of leisure and tourism industry development. However, the government has not yet enacted a set of legal standards regulating the emerging eco-friendly hotels. The major claim of this research is that legal standards shall be enacted in compliance with the development trend of environment protection globally for regulating and governing this industry development.This research also conducted survey on hotel-room courtesy kits and hotel guests’ mental expectations concerning tourist accommodation. The reference document collection and questionnaire Taguchi Methods were integrated in this research for analyzing the domestic tourists’ demands for hotel-room spare in the eco-friendly hotels. The research conclusion is that the tourists’ necessary spare are 6 in total. Three factors, including “tissue paper”, “towels & bath towels” and “toothpaste & toothbrushes” demonstrate the highest significance. The Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was applied on analyzing the positive significant influence ratio of each individual kit for sorting out the best kit assembly and quantity. The research result indicates that supply only set of court kit can already reach the highest customer satisfaction. Hopefully, this research conclusion and result can help achieve the highest customer satisfaction for the supply of hotel room courtesy kit by eco friendly hotels.




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