  • 學位論文


Modeling of The Human Skeleton and Biomechanical Analysis

指導教授 : 謝秋帆




運動學 動態模擬 肌力分析


This study aims to investigate the conduct of badminton action in the racket period, swing phase, and the remainder of the batting late movement of the arm limb segments and stress changes. In this study, 3D human body model with the actual swing trajectory forehand smash and movements for analysis, and were to five kinds of motion path to illustrate the feasibility of the dynamic model: the first one is the correct path badminton action, the second arm bent batting, batting third for the arm extended outward, the fourth path for scrambling the ball eager finished killing, the fifth rib path is not turning the ball in after. From the above five paths for motion analysis and to investigate the stress and muscle size arising from the different paths for the affected arm and power chain. In addition, our model can predict the movement occurs after urging point, in order to provide future reference trainer, while also helping teaching badminton technology. The study found that the second path on the upper arm, wrist and rib stress and biceps, triceps, wrist extensor muscle, flexor carpi and small chest will be more prone to injury, and the third path is for upper arm and wrist stress and biceps, triceps greater sports injuries, upper arm and forearm in the fourth path biceps muscle stress and have a higher risk of injury, and finally the fifth path, is in the upper arm, wrist and rib stress and small chest, rectus have a higher risk of injury.


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