  • 學位論文


A Study of the Key Success Factors to Improve Patient Satisfaction in Emergency Department

指導教授 : 王秀鑾


隨著國民生活品質及知識水準提升,國人醫療意識抬頭,民眾對於醫療照護的需求日與俱增,在就醫選擇上,更具自由與多元性,對於醫療服務品質的期望更甚以往,為此各醫療院所不斷提出改善方案及政策,以期提升滿意度,進而追求更好的醫療品質。但改善滿意度之關鍵成功因素繁雜且零亂,往往難以著手進行改善,為此,本研究以急診室滿意度為例,透過文獻探討歸納出影響急診室滿意度關鍵因素,運用KJ法將蒐集到之關鍵因素進行分類與分群,接著使用焦點團體訪談法確認因素歸類與分群之適切性,建立急診滿意度關鍵因素之雛型架構,並且運用德爾菲法發放問卷獲得專家一致性的共識,以客觀的角度驗證KJ法及焦點團體法所得出急診室滿意度關鍵因素之架構雛形,確認其完整架構,最後透過層級分析法邀請專家進行評比賦予其重要程度,並且運算出各構面、類別及因素之權重比值及整體權重值。 本研究藉由急診室滿意度關鍵成功因素架構之相對重要度問卷調查,獲得各項因素之相對重要性。研究結果顯示醫療過程與治療結果構面較為容易影響病患之滿意度,另外,在整體權重值比較下「醫師詳細解釋說明病情及後續處理」為最具影響病患滿意度之因素。本研究結果提供醫療服務者及管理決策者改善急診滿意度之重要參考依據,並且針對整體權重值較高之關鍵因素優先進行改善,進而達到有效地改善急診滿意度及提升醫療品質。


The average educational level and quality of life is steadily increasing Taiwan. As a result, Taiwanese citizens also have an increased expectation for their health care. The selection of medical services has also become more liberal and diverse. There are numerous ways that different hospitals tried to improve the quality of hospital health care, and so as to increase patient satisfaction. Factors influencing patient satisfaction are usually complex and spreading across every sector of patient services. Without a focused action plan, these hospital improvement measures are often not successful. Therefore, this research aims to make a literature summary of the key factors for patient satisfaction in the emergency department (ED). We will first classify the reported key factors by KJ methods. Then the appropriateness of these key factors will be verified objectively by group focused interview and Delphi expert consensus methods. Lastly, experts will determine the importance of each factor through the analytic hierarchy process. The weight of each dimension, category, and factor will be calculated accordingly. In summary, this study seeks to determine the key factors for ED patient satisfaction. Experts’ opinion on the relative importance of the each factor in the different levels of services are obtained thorough a questionnaire interview. Results of this study can provide important information for health service management decision-making. Managers can address the patient satisfaction issue based on the priority determined by relative importance of each factors determined by this study, which we hope can ultimately increase the healthcare quality and patient satisfaction.


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