  • 學位論文


Study of high CRI multi-wavelength LED Source

指導教授 : 謝振榆


脈波寬度調變驅動調光技術,主要是利用調整脈波寬度改變順向電流平均值,進而達到調節輸出光量的目的,利用此種調光技術,可以穩定調節輸出光量,亦可避免主波長飄移現象的產生。串聯開關式驅動調光架構,其控流電阻與電流控制電路是用以直接控制順向電流而設計,脈波寬度調變的功能則是由串聯一個電子開關完成,因此只要調整調光訊號的寬度,就可以調整順向電流脈波的平均值,進而達成調整輸出光量的目的。此種設計的好處在於可有較快速的響應,因此本研究以LM555分別完成5組LED光源串連開關式LED驅動調光架構。 藉由9種波長顆LED所組成的光譜可調式光源,改變電流調整此LED光混光比例,即可組合出任意光源下與配色函數相乘的光譜分佈,因此也可調整出多種不同色溫下的混光效果,而演色性由於為比較標準色塊下的反射率,可以用LED之FWHM(Full Width at Half Maximum)較窄特性模擬而出,演色性均為98%以上。 LED既然可以作為人工用光源,但目前以LED作為多波長光源的設備僅止於3種不同光波長的改變、發光時間長短、光調變後工作比、頻率或是振幅的改變。由於LED具有直流特性,而且波長可以由不同LED組成下,使用電路技巧,研製人工多波長LED調變光源。多波長光源的研究可能會產生新的研究領域。


PWM dimming technology driven mainly by tuning the pulse width of the average change in forward current, and thus achieve the purpose of regulating the amount of light output, we can adjust the output stability of the amount of light, it can avoid the main wavelength drift phenomenon is. The resistance and the current control circuit is used to directly control the forward current is designed pulse width modulation of the function is completed by the series an electronic switch, so as long as the adjustment of the optical signal transfer width, we can adjust the forward current pulse, then the amount of light reaching the purpose of adjusting the output. The advantage of this design may with high rapid response, 5 groups respectively LM555 LED light source thread dimming switch mode LED driver architecture. With 9 pieces LED wavelength chips comprising adjustable light source, adjusted to change the current of LED light mixed light of this ratio, we can assemble any number of sources is multiplied with the color of the spectral distribution function, and therefore a variety of adjustable mixture under different color temperature light effect, color rendering standard for comparison because the reflectivity under color blocks, we can use LED on characteristics of the narrow FWHM(Full Width at Half Maximum) out of CRI are more than 98%. Since the LED can be used as artificial light source, but with multi-wavelength LED light source device as limited to three kinds of different wavelengths of light changes, light duration, light modulation of the working ratio, frequency or amplitude changes. As the LED’s characteristics, and different LED wavelengths can be formed, the development of artificial multi-wavelength LED light source modulation. Study of multi-wavelength light source may generate a new research field.




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