  • 學位論文


Improvement of Concealed Closed-Circuit Television System and Illumination Spotlight

指導教授 : 謝振榆 謝基生


本論文目的為改善一種隱藏式CCTV防盜照明投射燈,藉由搭配紅外線LED(Light Emitting Diode)防盜監視攝影機,輔助影像攝影裝置對工作場域進行攝影監控,達到有效防竊之目的。一般而言,採用派遣保全人員或是守衛前往看守,就以人力看守來說成本實在過高;此研究改善一般探照燈只有照明的功能,結合應用環保節能減碳之LED光源模組(包含可見光與不可見光),並於機殼朝外的一面罩設有一鏡面,此鏡面為一可阻隔大部份可見光及讓大部份的不可見光穿透的反射鍍膜玻璃,以達到隱藏攝影機的效果,有心人士無法偷窺到裡面隱藏有攝影機。本作品於2010年12月的韓國首爾國際發明展中,榮獲金牌獎與特別獎。


Purpose of this dissertation is “Improvement of Concealed Closed-Circuit Television System and Illumination Spotlight”. When monitoring working places, using monitor with infrared LED which assists with camera installation is helpful for theft prevention. Generally speaking, security personnel or guards would be hired to monitor the safety. However, the cost is too expensive. Object of this research is to update the function of illumination spotlight. By using LED lighting module, including visible and invisible light, as the lighting source of illumination spotlight, and also designing a glass which can cut off most of the visible lights and hide the camera as the outside part of the lighting case as well, it would be difficult to discover the camera in the illumination spotlight. This design won the gold medal and special award in Korea International Exhibition of Inventions, Seoul, in December 2010.


CCTV IR Sensor Dielectric Coatings


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