  • 學位論文


The EGM study for the course learning and the effect of Taisi first learning center of senior in Yunlin County.

指導教授 : 陳湘琴


臺西鄉內青壯年人口外移嚴重,年齡人口多以高齡者居多,終身學習教育成為必然,臺西第一樂齡中心是臺西鄉內第一個成立,103年評鑑優等,在村長及社區理事長推動下,成立將近5年,為沿海偏鄉樂齡典範,課程以服務及教育學習鼓勵社區高齡者走入社區,引導高齡者透過社區課程,改變生活習慣,也適時減輕家人照顧之負擔與責任。本文以雲林縣臺西鄉第一樂齡學習中心為例,主要研究目的在1.瞭解臺西第一樂齡課程特色與規劃;2.樂齡成員對於課程學習及影響層面評價;3.男女對於課程學習與影響層面之差異性。此次探討的重點冀望樂齡課程如何滿足高齡者學習之需求,引導高齡者持續學習,俾能提升高齡者生活滿足及教育品質。 本文之結果得知1.融入在地文化的特性,並建構日常生活中住家安全知識教育,志工訓練及服務課程、關懷奉獻課程等,以達到老人樂活學習、樂服務,樂活人生的台西學習生活,不僅提供老人生活知識課程介紹,同時擁有健全的身心發展,也確保樂齡財務等之安全保障;2.全體EGM中,針對特色課程、興趣休閒課程及貢獻課程的部分,對於在地取材的DIY課程以及體能演課程、安全管理課程和關懷奉獻課程是樂齡成員接受度佳的。成員是感受到高興的、有趣的、獲得知識的、鼓勵的、誇讚的、善心的及滿足的。在影響層面裡,成員認為生活範圍擴展、奉獻服務、健康理念、心靈支持及運動休閒是可接受的,成員感受到高興的、輕鬆的、鼓勵的、有趣的、可及的、無憂無慮的、善心的及支持的之學習成效;3.男女差異EGM中,針對特色課程、興趣休閒課程及貢獻課程的部分,對於健康運動課程及表演課程、關懷奉獻課程、在地取材的DIY課程、老人用藥安全管理課程、志工訓練及服務課程是男性及女性皆可接受的。男性及女性同時是感受到高興的,男性感受到被誇讚的、鼓勵的,女性感受到熱衷的、誠心的。在影響層面裡,男性及女性認為生活範圍擴展、奉獻服務及運動休閒是可接受的。此外,男性可接受心靈支持,女性可接受健康理念。男性及女性同時是感受到高興的、鼓勵的,男性感受到布施的、依靠的,女性感受到可及的與支持的。


It is very serious that emigration of young adults in Taisi Township and the population are mostly elders while it is inevitable for lifelong learning. Taisi First Senior Citizens Learning Center was the first that established in Taisi Township and was evaluated excellent in Year 2014. Under promotion of Chief of Village and Board Director of community, it has been established about 5 years and set a model of senior citizens in coastal rural areas. The course is about service and educational learning and it encourages senior citizens in the community to walk into the community and through community courses to guide senior citizens to change life habits and reduce burden about responsibility of caring from their families timely. In this paper, it used Taisi First Senior Citizens Learning Center as an example and the main purposes of the study are: 1. To understand features and planning of course of Taisi First Senior Citizens Learning Center; 2. Evaluation for course learning and effecting dimension from senior citizens; 3. Differences for course learning and effecting dimension from males and females. The main point of this exploration is hoping that how could senior course satisfy the needs of senior citizens learning and to guide senior citizens to learn continuously and to enhance life satisfaction from senior citizens and education quality. From the results of this paper, it could understand 1. To integrate features of local culture and construct knowledge and education of home safety in daily life, train of volunteers and service programs and caring and dedication courses, etc. to achieve LOHAS learning, LOHAS service and LOHAS life of elders in learning life of Taisi. It could not only provide introduce of knowledge courses for elderly life, but also could have a sound physical and mental development at the same time, while it could also ensure finance security of senior citizens. 2. In overall EGM, for featured courses, leisure and interest courses and contribution courses, senior citizens have best acceptance about DIY courses with local materials, physical acting courses, safety management courses and caring and dedication courses. Members were happy, interested, having knowledge, encouraged, praised, kind and satisfied. For the effecting dimension, members thought that it was acceptable on the extension of life scope, devotional service, concept of health, spiritual support and leisure sports. Members were happy, relaxed, encouraged, interested, accessible, carefree, kind and supported for learning effect. 3. In EGM of gender differences, for featured courses, leisure and interest courses and contribution courses, it was both accepted by males and females about health sports courses and performance courses, caring and dedication courses, DIY courses with local materials, drug safety management courses for elders, volunteer training and service courses. Both males and females felt happy at the same time. Males felt praised and encouraged while females felt enthusiasm and sincerity. For the effecting dimension, males and females thought that it was acceptable on the extension of life scope, devotional service and leisure sports. In addition, males could accept spiritual support and females could accept concept of health. Both males and females could feel happy and encouraged at the same time while males could feel donation and support and females could feel reachable and supported.


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