  • 學位論文


The Effects of Using Moodle Online Learning on the Fifth Grade Social Studies

指導教授 : 吳昌憲


環顧臺灣當前之教育環境,隨著資訊科技與網路的持續進步,數位學習的發展亦方興未艾。然當前國小社會領域之教學環境依舊以傳統講授教學為主,而有限的授課時數致使學生的學習意願與學習成效難以提昇。是以本研究之宗旨即試圖以網路學習機制突破學習環境之時空限制並發展社會領域之多元化教學。 本研究係以雲林縣某國小五年級學生為研究對象,選取四個班級一百三十八位學生作為實驗研究樣本。教學研究之進行在於以MOODLE為基礎之數位學習平台上,設計符合實際教學需求的網路教學課程,並從而提升學生的學習興趣與學習成效。再以段考成績與問卷檢定學生之學習成效與滿意度,並探討學生之上網學習時間、資訊素養、學習態度對學習成效的影響。本研究之主要結果如下: 1.不同性別的學生在參與網路教學後於社會領域學習成就與學習態度上沒有顯著之差異。 2.有無補習的學生在參與網路教學後於社會領域學習成就與學習態度上沒有顯著之差異。 3.參與網路教學的學生在社會領域學習態度與學習成就上明顯優於未參與網路教學的學生。 4.不同性別的學生在參與網路教學後對網路教學的滿意度有顯著之差異:女生認為參與網路學習後的成績比男生滿意。女生對於互動遊戲的學習成效比男生滿意。 5.參與網路學習的學生可透過上網學習時間有效地預測社會領域學習成就;學生上網學習的時間越長,社會領域學習成就越高。 6.參與網路學習的學生可透過資訊素養有效地預測社會領域學習成就;學生的資訊素養越高,社會領域學習成就越高。 7.參與網路學習的學生可透過學習態度高低有效地預測社會領域學習成就;學生的學習態度越高,社會領域學習成就越高。


From the early days of Taiwanese education, technology has made dramatic improve. The trend of digitalised teaching only seems to grow stronger. However, primary school education still remains reliant solely of traditional teaching; the limited exposure of students to learning reduces both readiness and achievement in their study.For the purposes of this paper an experimental virtual education network was made; this is so to break the time and distance barriers of traditional teaching. A sample of 138 fifth graders from four classes of a primary school in the Yun-Ling was selected.The virtual education network will employ Moodle as its foundation. From there, it will go on to design a program that sufficiently reflects today’s learning needs; it is hoped that this will stimulate learning readiness and achievement. Student achievement and satisfaction will be assessed through tests and questionnaires, also taking into account of the time spent on the internet, information processing capability and learning readiness. The main findings are: 1.Gender had no significant effect on participating students’ social learning achievement and learning readiness. 2.Extra-curricular courses outside of school had no significant effect on participating students’ social learning achievement and learning readiness. 3.Students who have taken part in the online program showed significantly greater social learning achievement and learning readiness than non-participants. 4.Gender had a significant effect on participants’ learning satisfaction. In general, females were more satisfied with their results; they were also happier than males with regards to the effectiveness of interactive games. 5.Time spent on the internet becomes a reliable predictor of participants’ social learning achievement; the more time spent online, the higher the degree of learning. 6.Information processing capability becomes a reliable predictor of participants’ social learning achievement; the greater their capacity, the higher the degree of learning. 7.Learning readiness becomes a reliable predictor of participants’ social learning achievement; the greater their readiness, the higher the degree of learning.


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