  • 學位論文


Effects of Glove Puppetry Fans’ Preferences for Product Characteristics on Their Purchase Intention

指導教授 : 徐怡


本研究之布袋戲迷群產品特性偏好對其購買意願之影響,探討布袋戲之產品特性中「敘事情節」、「影音效果」、「人物塑造」、「口白配音」與「周邊商品」對購買意願之影響,利用STATISTICA 10進行分析,透過多元迴歸分析、多項式迴歸分析及反應曲面分析進行整合研討,分析結果顯示:布袋戲敘事情節對迷群的購買意願有部分正向影響;布袋戲影音效果對迷群的購買意願有正向影響;布袋戲人物塑造對迷群的購買意願有正向且最為顯著之影響;布袋戲口白配音對迷群的購買意願有部分正向影響;布袋戲周邊商品對迷群的購買意願有部分正向影響。


布袋戲 迷群 偏好 購買意願


The study explores the effects of glove puppetry fans’ preferences for product characteristics on their purchase intention. Focusing on the product characteristics of glove puppetry, such as “narrative plot,” “audio and visual effects,” “characterization,” “dialog dubbing” and “peripheral products,” the study investigates their effects on the purchase intention of glove puppetry fans. STATISTICA 10 is used to make analysis. Through multiple regression analysis, polynomial regression analysis and response surface analysis, integrated research is made. Analysis results show that the narrative plot of glove puppetry has partly positive significant effects on the purchase intention of fans; the audio and visual effects of glove puppetry has positive significant effects on the purchase intention of fans; the characterization of glove puppetry has positive significant effects, on the purchase intention of fans; the dialog dubbing of glove puppetry has partly positive significant effects on the purchase intention of fans; and the peripheral products of glove puppetry have partly positive significant effects on the purchase intention of fans. The study suggests that glove puppetry manufacturers should increase channels to broadcast their products on the media to develop new markets, mold perfect characters of glove puppetry to attract glove puppetry fans’ attention, manufacture diversified products through packaging of role images to be idolized products, and increase new consumption channels. Furthermore, they should increase the profits of peripheral products to help enhance the overall profit-making of their companies. In addition, as the behaviors of glove puppetry fan groups change with the social environment, different production behaviors are derived accordingly. And fan groups of different areas have different degrees of effects on their respective areas and also on their fan groups’ consumption power. The study suggests that subsequent researchers can make more in-depth exploration of the behaviors of glove puppetry fans.


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