  • 學位論文


Implementation of Platform for Alumni Relationship Management

指導教授 : 吳昌憲


隨著近年少子化之影響,各大專校院紛紛面臨生源短缺之問題,而其可能衍生校園經營不善財源收入匱乏,故如何因應少子化之衝擊已成為現今熱門話題。相關之研究顯示校友之捐贈於捐贈收入款項中高居第一,故若能與畢業校友維持良好關係,或許能有效改進財源收入之窘境。為此本研究擬將顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)之精神應用於校友之上,發展一套通用性較高且具友善性之校友關係管理平台,以回應式網頁設計(Response Web Desgin,RWD)技巧增進瀏覽便利性。並結合成就動機理論(Theory of Achievement Motivation)發展成就系統,透過建置數個成就項目,來誘導校友進行平台之瀏覽、使用及捐贈等行為。平台本身則以當前熱門的開源內容管理系統Drupal來建置,藉以成為校方與校友間友善聯繫之橋梁。最後透過文獻回顧了解認知易用性、認知有用性、滿意度及使用意圖之定義,提出研究之架構,經由問卷回收與資料分析,得到構面之相關影響結果,以提供後續平台功能發展之方針。其結果顯示,若後續開發之平台功能欲直接影響使用者之使用意圖,則可實作有用之功能,而若想提升使用者之使用滿意度,實作易用之功能的影響力較大。


With the influence of the low birth rate in recent years, various colleges have faced shortage of incoming students. This may lead to campus mismanagement and cause financial crisis. So how to respond to the impact of low birth rate has become one of the hottest topics today. In addition, the relevant studies have shown that money donation from alumni ranks top in the donation income. Thus, maintaining good relations with alumni, has its certain importance. Therefore, this study aims to develop a friendly alumni relationship management platform, which employs responsive web design skills to enhance browsing convenience. Through the current popular content management system - Drupal, bridge between colleges and alumni is built up. In the end, the literature is reviewed to understand perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, satisfaction and intention. After analyzing the questionnaire data by using SmartPLS, all the hypotheses are verified.


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