  • 學位論文


Integrated Inter-Campus Network Architecture and Management:Research and Discussion

指導教授 : 龔旭陽


為提升學校未來的國際競爭力,可藉由整合各校資源的方式來進行,在現有的大學校院已有成功整合的案例可參考。而社會普遍出現少子化現象,大學院校招生不易,經常有不足額招生的現象發生,學生人數日漸減少,在學校校務經費與人事費用不變的情況下,學校財源面臨重大的考驗,為樽節支出與達到資源充份利用考量,若能整合區域與各校的特色與優勢,勢可達到各校資源共享與達到節省成本之目標,所以未來大學院校整合的模式,成為必然趨勢。 以屏東地區三所國立大學院校為例,包括A學校、B學校及C學校,將三所學校現有的校園網路資源整合,必可建置一個跨校區且資源共享的校園環境,可降低多項建置成本與維護費用,所以校園網路資源整合為勢在必行之趨勢,經評估可行性、優勢與效益後,針對屏東地區現有的三所國立大學校院的校園網路資源整合,提出此「跨區校園網路整合架構與管理之研究及探討」。本論文設計的跨區校園網路整合分為二階層架構,包括 (1) 跨區校園網路整合之資訊網路骨幹; (2) 整合性多功能網路服務管理。


To increase international competition of school, it can be by integrating the resources of the school. There have been many successful cases of school integrations at present. Due to the trend of fewer children nowadays, enrolling new students is very difficult for colleges and many of them enroll fewer students than their anticipations. The amount of students gets fewer and fewer, but the general and personnel expenses of a college are consistent. Therefore, seeking the sources of funding is a major challenge. In order to economize expenses and increase resource utilization, college integrations would be essential in the future. There are three colleges in Pingtung region, including A college, B college, and C college. If these colleges can be combined and form a new university which possesses the features of original colleges and Pingtung region, resources sharing, and expenses reducing would be realized. Accordingly, the college integration is imperative. After assessed the feasibility、advantages and benefits, we aim at the three colleges in Pingtung region and propose the 「Integrated Inter-Campus Network Architecture and Management:Research and Discussion」, which includes two for Inter-Campus networks, (2) the administrative of tiers: (1) the Backbone of Integrated Information Network integrated multi-functional network services.


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