  • 學位論文


Study on the glass defects measurements using the critical angle method and a CCD camera

指導教授 : 邱銘宏


本論文提出以臨界角法結合CCD影像擷取技術作玻璃缺陷之量測。現今高科技產品如手機、液晶電視、數位相機、平板電腦等皆使用玻璃基板,如果玻璃基板有缺陷,便會影響這些成像的品質。本論文利用雷射光,經擴束裝置,形成一平行光束,此平形光束經過透明待測物(例如液晶玻璃基板)後,利用旋轉平台控制並旋轉平行四邊形稜鏡,讓入射光產生全反射及臨界角之二現象,分別以CCD截取光強度影像,經換算出反射率之後,最後再用成像公式與幾何光學原理經MATLAB程式分析其表面形貌。 本方法具有架構簡單容易、高解析度、高靈敏度、並且能大範圍量測透明待測物表面缺陷。


The purpose of this thesis is to combine the critical angle method with CCD image capture technology for measuring the scratches on the LCD glass substrate. The panels of mobile phones, LCD TVs, digital cameras and tablet PCs etc with glass substrates are high-technique produces in modern life. The serious defects in or on the glass, like as, scratches, bubbles, or smudges, etc, will affect the image quality of display. In this method, when the expanded laser beam passes through the transparent component, the surface information is added in it. We use a rotating stage to control the incident angle of a parallelogram prism. Two incident angles, the critical angle and the angle of total internal reflection (TIR), are set to measure the image pattern of the glass using a CCD camera, respectively. Use the data of two patterns to calculate the reflectance profile and use the principle of the first-order geometrical optics to calculate the surface profile using the MATLAB program. From the surface profile results, how the quality of the glass is detected. The method has some merits, such as, simple structure, easy operation, high sensitivity, and it can measure a wide range of transparent surface defects.


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