  • 學位論文


A Study on The Learning Effect of Information-Technology Infused Visual Arts Chromatology Teaching on Third Grade Elementary Students

指導教授 : 阮炳嵐


本研究旨在探討資訊科技融入教學對國小三年級學童視覺藝術色彩學習的成效及學童對資訊科技融入教學的看法與態度。研究採準實驗研究法,以雲林縣某國小三年級四個班級90名學童為研究對象。兩班45名學童為實驗組,另兩班45名學童為控制組。進行八週色彩實驗教學,實驗組學童以Android平板電腦結合色彩多媒體教材教學,控制組則進行一般傳統視覺藝術教學。兩組學生均接受色彩認知成就測驗前、後測。另請實驗組學生在實驗教學後填寫問卷。 研究結果以單因子共變數分析來考驗兩組學童在色彩認知成就測驗總分及色相、彩度、明度三個屬性表現的差異。問卷則以描述性統計加以分析,研究所獲得的結論如下: 1.國小三年級即可實施基本的色彩三屬性的色彩認知教學。 2.資訊科技融入三年級色彩認知教學可採平板電腦結合色彩多媒體教材方式實施。 3.在色彩認知、色相、彩度、明度學習成效上,資訊科技融入教學的實驗組優於傳統教學的控制組,且達顯著差異。 4.接受資訊科技融入教學的實驗組學生的態度與看法為正向。 最後,依據研究結果提出具體建議,以供視覺藝術教師教學及未來研究的參考。


This research aims to explore the learning effect of information-technology infused Visual Arts Chromatology Teaching for third-grade elementary students and to probe students’ attitudes and opinions toward this teaching. Quasi-experimental research is adopted in this research. The matrix concludes four classes of third-grade students, that is, 90 people in total in one school from Yunlin County. The two classes out of four were selected to be Experimental Group. And the other two classes were selected to be Control Group. The length of the color experiment was eight weeks. The tablet computers of Android which were combined with multimedia teaching of color were used by Experimental Group. On the other hand, the Control Group was given traditional Visual Arts Teaching. Both these two groups were given pre-test and post-test of cognitive achievement of Arts. Besides, the Experimental Group was required to fill in the questionnaires after experimental teaching. Results were subjected to a one-way ANOVA to analyze the scores of these two groups of students’ Arts cognitive achievement and the differences of performances in Hue, Value, and Chrome. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The basic color cognitive teaching of Hue, Value and Chrome is suitable to third-grade students of elementary school. 2. Infusing Information Technology can be adopted to third and fourth grade students of elementary school with the assistance of tablet computers. 3. Results show significant improvement of Experimental Group on the effectiveness of Learning color cognition, Hue, Value, and Chrome. 4. Students had positive attitude and opinions toward learning Chromatology with Infusing Information Technology. Ultimately,according to the conclusions, some suggestions were proposed for the Visual Arts teachers and the future researcher.


[49]謝苑玫和陳虹百,2004 ,”當資訊遇見藝術與人文”,教師之友,第45卷第5期,41-46頁。
