  • 學位論文


A Study on the Transformation of Non-Profit Organization – An Example of Dou-Nan Farmers Association

指導教授 : 黃俊平


台灣農業屬於小農經營型態,農場規模較小,隨著經濟成長,工資上漲,產銷成本高,農業經營不易。在2002年初我國加入WTO後,必須履行市場開放,及削減境內支持等承諾及相關規範,原有不符WTO規範的關稅、非關稅等保護措施,都必須逐年削減或取消。因此若缺乏有規模、有效率的經營,恐難與高效率生產的大農制國家競爭,農業所面臨之挑戰將更加艱鉅,我國農產品將遭遇到重大之衝擊。然而反觀之,此衝擊亦可說是最大的轉機。試問台灣的農民何曾想過自己生產出來的農產品,竟能賣到地球各個角落?因此從面臨之環境分析,希望能藉著策略管理的理解,搭配科技的應用,經由成長策略、競爭策略、行銷策略,建立組織之持續競爭力,再由策略的執行為農民提供更多、更佳的服務。如此從政府、到農民,共同來努力,使這個「百年老店」--農會,能達到永續經營的願景。 本研究經由文獻之探討,來了解台灣地區之非營利組織--農會,百年來經由開創之艱辛時期,繁盛之獲利時期,於經濟環境不斷的改變中調整的轉型時期。進而為了尋找永續經營的方法,只有不斷的吸收新知,調整組織運作方式,配合當地農產品特色,以因應時代環境的變遷。其次以雲林縣斗南鎮農會推動生產履歷制度、配合科技的應用、企業化的經營為個案研究對象。希望能藉由此個案之研究分析,讓台灣之農產品能依循此模式邁向國際化,達到定期、定量、及定價生產,增加台灣農業競爭力,為農民開創新契機。


NPO 非營利組織 農會 斗南鎮農會


Taiwan’s agriculture has been operating on a small-scale basis with relatively narrow pieces of farmland. And with the growth of economy, the rise in wages and in the cost of production, agriculture has become hardly manageable. After our country’s incorporation in the WTO in early 2002, the opening of market to the whole world and the curtailment of governmental assistance are among the main obligations to fulfill. Those old protective measures, customs and non-customs, out of the WTO norms must be gradually decreased or totally cancelled. Therefore, without an efficient management, competition with countries of large-scale agriculture will become extremely thorny; an impact on our farming produces is unavoidable with challenges being insurmountable. On the other hand, this impact can be made a turning point. The answer lies in a thorough analysis of the situation we find ourselves in, a better understanding of managing strategies, and the application of modern technology. The service provided to farmers will be improved both in quality and in quantity through carefully studied production strategy and marketing strategy. Collaboration of the government and farmers will help to make the sustainable management of this “hundred-year-old shop” an attainable reality. Based on the study of relevant literature, this study draws a picture of how Farmers Association has gone through its initial difficult period, its profitable period, and its entrance into a period when it has to adjust itself to stay firm in the changeable economic environment. For sustainable management to become possible, exposure to latest information and adjustment of organization and management are indispensable. This study focuses on the implement of Virtually Identified Produce System(VIPS), the application of modern technology, and the effort of making its management an enterprise of Dou-Nan Farmers Association in the hope of blueprinting a mold through which Taiwan’s agriculture can become highly competitive by internationalizing itself and by attaining a production of stable timing, stable quantity and stable price thus promising farmers a bright future.


