  • 學位論文


The study on the Relationship between Community Capacity and Community Development in Yunlin

指導教授 : 梁大慶


社區是經過長時間自然形成的群居聚落,面對現今社會快速變遷,在地居民生活的需求和期待,也牽動著社區整體的發展。然而因社區各有不同的特性或聚落紋理,都會形成各項社區能力,也會因社區發展目標不同,所遇到的發展問題也有所不同。在社區實際運作的過程中,常常會遇到問題或困難,有些社區具有此方面能力經驗可以克服;但有些社區因能力不足,無法解決問題,這也成為社區未來發展最大問題之所在,故本研究以永續發展的角度來探討社區能力與社區發展之間的關係,先彙整國內外社區能力相關文獻,並探討各項社區能力或特質,訂定符合台灣農村社區所有的社區能力指標,並考量教育訓練之成效,以社區發展目的和願景相互比較其間之相關性。 本研究運用歸納的社區能力以組織力、執行力、導入力、凝聚力及永續力五大指標,來分析目前社區其社區能力分布情形,以台灣第一農業大縣-雲林縣為對象,以培根課程為社區能力提升的因素,並分析在社區發展目標下的社會面、經濟面與環境面之現況,以量化方式呈現社區發展面向,提供未來永續經營之參考。本研究採取問卷方式進行調查,有效問卷共計388份(Cronbach's Alpha值=0.972),研究結果簡要分述如下: 一、社區能力方面: (一)會因專職人員的協助、參與培根計畫時間、社區經費來源、是否曾為得獎社區及合作的單位不同而有所差異。 (二)在社區五大能力指標中,雲林縣社區能力以「凝聚力」為最強,構面評估值為4.25;而能力較弱的一環為「永續力」,其構面評估值為3.46。   二、社區發展方面: (一)社區發展會因專職人員的協助、參與培根計畫時間、社區經費來源、是否曾為得獎社區、合作的單位及地理位置分布不同而有所差異。 (二)雲林縣社區發展方向以「社會面」發展面向最為成熟(3.79);反而在「經濟面」發展面向較弱(3.39)。 三、能力提升或課程訓練效益: (一)社區參與訓練(培根計畫)時間越長,其社區能力與社區發展表現越好,在不同參與階段其社區能力的養成也會隨之改變。 (二)參與培根計畫對於社區能力提升至少有0.45(11%)效果,其中以「執行力」的提升效果最明顯達0.88(22%),示社區參與培根課程的訓練對社區能力提升是有所助益的。 四、社區能力與社區發展之相關性方面具有正向影響關係,且具高度相關(皮爾森相關係數為0.855),即社區能力越強,其社區的困境可自行排除或尋求外界資源,相對的社區發展的表現也較為穩定良好。


The community is naturally formed after a long time, when the community faces the fast-changing of today's society. Also, community development will affects the lives of local residents. However, each community has different properties or settlements texture, and that has great relevance with the capacity or character of community. Also due to the different goals of community development, the problems of community development are different. Functioning in the community process, the community often encounter problems or difficulties, and some communities have the ability to solve those problems and difficulties; But some communities due to lack of capacity, cannot solve the problem, which has become the biggest problem in the future development of the community. But communities can also go through the process of training or the ability of self-improvement. Therefore, this study focuses on the relationship between sustainable development and community capacity. According to the domestic foreign and to explore the community capacity or character, set in line with Taiwan's rural communities all community capacity indicators, and consider the effectiveness of education and training. Community development goals and vision are compared to each other during the correlation.   In this study, the research team concludes five Capability Indicators about community: Organization power, Execution power, Import power, Cohesion power and Sustainability. And the research team uses these five indicators to analyze the capability of different community, and sees Yunlin County as the capital of Agriculture. The research team uses Yunlin County as an object, and the Incubation project is the important factor to enhance community capability. And analysis in the current status of the economic and environmental in the social aspects of community development objectives, and quantify presented for community development, to provide a reference for future sustainable management. This study conducted a questionnaire survey, a total of 388 valid questionnaires (Cronbach's Alpha value =0.972), the findings briefly described as follows: First, a community capability: (A)Because of the assistance from full-time staff, participates in the Incubation project, community funding sources, ever winning the prize of community, and the different cooperation. Every community has different capacity. (B)In the five community capacity indicators, Yunlin County community capacity to "cohesion" as the strongest facets assessed value of 4.25. However, the weak part in the "Sustainability", which constructs assessed value 3.46. Second, community development: (A)Because of the assistance from full-time staff, participates in Incubation project, community funding sources, ever winning the prize of community, the different cooperation, and geographically distributed collaboration. Every community has different capacity. (B) In the five community capacity indicators, Yunlin County community development direction of "social” for the development of the most mature (3.79); but in the "economic" development-oriented weak (3.39). Third, the ability to enhance the effectiveness of training or courses: (A)The community participation in training (Incubation project) longer, better their community capacity and community development, in different stages of participation in their community capacity develop will also change. (B)Participation in Incubation project is good for community capacity building at least 0.45 (11%) effects, which enhance the effect of "executive power" in the most obvious of 0.88 (22%), showing community involvement Incubation project courses is to enhance community capability somewhat helpful. Fourth, the relevance of community capacity and community development has a positive impact on the relationship, and highly correlated (Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.855), the stronger the community, the plight of communities may exclude themselves or seek outside resources, and relative performance of community development is relatively stable and good.


2.王錫雯(2011)。我國社區研究議題設定與政策發展之後設分析─以1995 年至2009年博碩士論文為例。國立臺北大學公共行政暨政策學系,碩士論文。


