  • 學位論文

地方依附與觀光發展衝擊認知關係之研究 -以金門地區為例

Place Attachment and the Perception of Tourism Impacts―A Case Study of Kin-men

指導教授 : 顏宏旭


摘要 開放觀光為金門地區帶來了大量的人潮及錢潮,亦帶來若干正、負面「衝擊」,然而居民對觀光發展衝擊認知常有差異,可能與他的社經背景、地方依附的程度有關,因此,本研究論述的目的是,針對居民地方依附與觀光發展衝擊認知之關係進行實證研究。 研究採用問卷調查法,依各鄉鎮人口比例做便利抽樣,共得到有效問卷367份。所得之調查資料利用描述性統計分析、T-檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計技術進行描述與假設之檢定,輔以政府統計資料,解釋問卷調查的結果。經實証研究後得到的主要結果如下:(1)不同社經背景之居民之地方依附具有顯著差異,假設部分成立。(2)不同社經背景之居民對觀光發展衝擊認知有顯著差異,假設部分成立。(3)居民的地方依附程度不同,其對觀光所帶來的衝擊感受程度亦不同,假設部分成立。 另外,從問卷調查結果與政府統計資料比對後發現:在地方稅收增加、收入增加、促進貨物的流通、促進特產銷售、地價上漲、人口外流、犯罪率提高、改善對外交通等問項中,居民的認知情形與實際情況相符;而機票訂位困難則與統計資料不相符。 根據結論,本研究對未來觀光發展提供以下幾點建議:(1)加強環境保護,做好永續發展的策略。(2)觀光效益全民共享。(3)遏止土地不當炒作,有效利用土地。(4)觀光發展質量並重,觀光內容多元化。


Abstract Allowing tourists from mainland China to visit Kinmen has brought different impacts to the locals. The perspectives towards this subject could differ because of the locals’ social background and how much they attach themselves to the area. Thus, this paper researches the relation between the local’s perspective on the impact of allowing tourists from mainland China to visit Kinmen and place attachment. This research uses questionnaire survey procedure, and applies convenience sampling based on the population of each township. 367 valid questionnaires were collected as a result. These questionnaires will be processed with descriptive statistical analysis, t-test, single factor variance analysis, and cross reference with statistical data form the government to validate the theory. Which resulted in the following outcome:(1) Subjects with different social backgrounds differs a lot in terms of place attachment. (2) Subjects with different social backgrounds have different perspectives on tourism impact. (3) Subject’s place attachment affects their perspective on tourism impact. In addition, when comparing the questionnaires with statistics data from the government, some contradictions were found. The increase in taxes, income, price of real estate, more transaction of goods, the focus of local specialty, the outflow of population, increase of crimes, and improvement on traffic are all suggested by both the questionnaires and the data from the government and the survey, while the locals found it very difficult to book a flight ticket. Some suggestions could be formed based on the result of this research: (1) Improve on preserving the environment; focus on sustainable development. (2) Allow every local to benefit from tourism. (3) Make good use of the land, stop the real estate price from increasing for the wrong reasons. (4) Tourist sites should focus on quantity, diversity and quality.


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