  • 學位論文


The storage policy of Unit-load Automated Storage/Retrieval System

指導教授 : 阮岱珈


自動化立體倉儲發展源自60年代的美國,至今於製造自動化系統中佔有非常重要的地位,以自動化立體倉庫為中心的物流管理,實現了物料的自動化管理。自動化立體倉儲系統具有以下之眾多優點:如料帳即時同步管控,可減少人員因素之差錯和防盜性佳及人力上的精簡、自動搬運可提高勞動生產率、空間利用率提高並節省土地費用,並可加速物料流動率、降低庫存量、資金週轉率及降低物品耗損率…等等。 本研究以A公司實際自動化立體倉儲配置為研究案例,首先取常用之隨機儲放、定位儲放、分類隨機儲放三大類儲存策略模式方式,而定位儲放又依出庫端位置需求細分兩小類,另外分類隨機儲放也依出庫端位置需求和庫存種類需求量細分三小類;而製程訂單物料需求相關性又需搭配a.出入庫物料平均分配b.物料數量比例分配c.數量種類平均分配d.數量種類比例分配e.物料出庫比例分配f.出貨分類平均分配…等等,共十多種分配方式,本文利用AutoMod軟體進行模擬系統效率分析並進行比較,以期取得較佳之運作控制系統,結果顯示以儲存策略為基準時,以指定定位儲位存放之物料存放位置1之依出貨分類比例分配績效最突顯,另以儲放策略為基準時,依指定定位儲位存放之物料存放位置1之績效突顯。


Development of Automated Storage/Retrieval System originated in the 1960s in the United States, in the modern manufacturing Automated Storage /Retrieval System in occupies a very important, to automated Automate Storage/Retrieval System as a centre of logistics management, the realization of automatic management of materials, Automated Storage / Retrieval System has the following advantages : as for account management real-time and synchronization, reduce personnel factors of errors and burglar, automated handling can improve labor productivity, space utilization and save land costs, and accelerate materials flow rate, lower inventory, lower liquidity and attrition articles rate.... and so on. This study for A company's actual Automate Storage/Retrieval System and configure common randomized storage, dedicated storage position, randomized within class to deposit for three category storage policy, whereas the production order and materials demand correlation with a.delivering and retrieving equally distribution, b.materials quantity proportional distribution, c.materials type quantity equally distribution, d. materials type quantity proportional distribution, e.materials type quantity retrieving proportional distribution, f.materials retrieving proportional distribution, and so on, a total of more than 10 kinds of distribution methods, this thesis uses AutoMod software simulation system and compare the efficiency analysis, then obtain the following conclusion:1.the use of storage policy as the main criterion, the overall performance of the overall storage policy for order-picking time efficient highlight best Vcase2(dedicated storage position 1) for VOP8(shipping classified proportional distribution), the use of storage assignment as the main criteria, all highlighted by Vcase2 (dedicated storage position 1) performance of the best. Keywords: Automated Storage/Retrieval System, AutoMod.


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