  • 學位論文


Application of Design of Experiments and DEFORM Analysis in Wire Drawing Process

指導教授 : 鄭芳松


傳統之抽線製程設計與規劃通常以經驗配合抽線眼模負載公式來訂定眼模半角以及道次縮減率,並且在抽線過程中無法取得每站之抽線負荷、線材應力及模具承受應力等參數之回饋,導致很難由最終結果來判斷製程規劃設計是否正確,同時也很難縮短開發時程以增加產業競爭力。 有鑑於此,本研究以Design Expert軟體針對抽線製程之需要參數及因子進行實驗設計以減化模擬次數,並以DEFORM有限元素分析軟體進行抽線製程模擬出結果,再輸入Design Expert進行最佳化設計的實驗參數,最後以自行開發之抽線試驗機台進行實際實驗驗證。本研究以碳線為實驗材料,選擇抽線速度、眼模半角、眼模定徑帶長度、眼模縮減率為製程因子,應用一階反應曲面法進行抽線成形眼模溫度及負載與製程因子關係之探討,並以實際抽線實驗進行抽線效率最佳化參數預測值以及模擬準確性的確認。 研究結果如下:(1)抽線效率最佳化參數結果為眼模角度14度、定徑帶長度3.25 mm、道次縮減率19.59%、速度81.68mm/s,預測結果為平均拉力712.9 Kg、眼模溫度為52.63℃;(2)將此最佳化參數以DEFORM進行模擬,結果平均拉力為712Kg(0.12%)、眼模溫度為54.2℃(2.98%);(3)最後進行最佳化參數之實際抽線實驗,結果為平均拉力為750Kg(1.41%)、眼模溫度為55.3℃(0.13%) 。由以上結果可知以實驗設計法搭配有限元素分析進行抽線製程的參數設計規劃,可準確且有效率的縮短實驗時程及實驗成本。


Tradition pumping line process design and planning usually experience with the pumping line Dies load formula to set eye model half-and pass reduction rate, and the pumping line process can not be achieved at every station of the pumping line load, wire stress and die bear feedback and other parameters of the stress, makes it difficult to determine the final result of the planning and design process is correct, but it is difficult to shorten development time in order to increase industrial competitiveness. For this reason, this study Design Expert software for experimental design pumping line process parameters and the need to reduce the factor of the number of simulations, and finite element analysis software DEFORM line be drawn out process simulation results, and then enter Design Expert optimum experimental parametric design, and finally to develop their own line of test pumping machine actual experiments. In this study, carbon wire as material, select the pumping speed, eye mode half-width, eye mold bearing length, eye mode reduced rate of process factors, the application of a first-order response surface methodology was evacuated wire forming eye mold temperature and load and process to investigate the relationship between the factor and the actual pumping line experiments confirm the efficiency of pumping line parameter optimization and simulation accuracy of the predicted value. The results are as follows: (1)Optimize the efficiency of pumping line parameter results for eye pattern 14 degrees angle, bearing length of 3.25 mm, pass reduction rate of 19.59%, rate of 81.68mm / s, the average forecast results for Rally 712.9 Kg,Die temperature of 52.63℃; (2) this optimized parameters DEFORM simulation, an average pull of 712Kg (0.12%), eye die temperature of 54.2℃ (2.98%);(3) the final optimized the actual parameters of the pumping line test, the result is an average tension of 750Kg (5.2%), eye die temperature of 55.3 ℃ (5.07%). From the above results to experimental design with finite element analysis pumping line design and planning process parameters, accurate and efficient test process and shorten test time cost.


DEFORM2D Drawing Design Expert


[9]余尚翰,2007,金屬微細線材伸線之多道次製程分析,技術學刊 第二十二卷 第二期


