  • 學位論文

運用合作學習與班級經營策略來探討 雲林縣國小學生在學習成效改變之行動研究

Learning Effect Research of Cooperative Learning and Class Management Strategies-Yunlin Elementary School Students

指導教授 : 張麗娟


運用合作學習與班級經營策略來探討 雲林縣國小學生在學習成效改變之行動研究 學生:邱懿菁 指導教授:張麗娟 博士 國立虎尾科技大學經營管理所碩士班 摘要 本研究的主要目的,在於運用合作學習與班級經營策略來探討雲林縣國小學生在學習成效改變之行動研究,並依據研究結論提出有關合作學習與班級經營的建議。 本研究以雲林縣某一所公立國民小學四年級的某一班級的學生為研究對象,該班也是研究者的班級,進行為期五個月之個案研究。研究者透過現場的觀察紀錄、省思札記;學生學習過程中所紀錄的學習日誌、活動學習單、訪談及問卷等「質」的資料蒐集方式,並加上學習態度調查表、語文教學意見調查表、語文成果發表評量成績表等「量」的蒐集資料方式。 本研究主要觀察的重點是,運用合作學習與班級經營策略來探討雲林縣國小學生在學習成效改變之行動歷程。研究者之合作學習將採用小組成就區分法( STAD )和小組遊戲競賽法( TGT ),並設計合作技巧課程融入合作學習;班級經營策略的內涵則分五個層面來探討,分別是班級幹部、常規管理、教室環境、親師聯繫、教學互動策略;本研究所指的「學習成效」是從三個面向:1.學生個人行為2.與同儕間的互動行為3.師生相處的互動行為,來觀察學生在學習行為上的改變,並探究其學習成效,藉以探討運用合作學習及班級經營策略來改進學生學習成效的可行性。 運用合作學習與班級經營策略來探討雲林縣國小學生在學習成效的改變,經過五個月的行動歷程,歸納出以下結論: 一、 合作學習與班級經營策略的運用讓學生在個人行為上、與同儕的互動行為上、師生相處的互動行為上有顯著的正向行為改變。 二、 實施合作技巧課程,讓學生在合作學習上更得心應手,能達到快速有效的學習。 三、 在班級經營策略下,親師的關係更緊密,對學生在學習表現上有所助益。 四、 行動研究能激發研究者的教學創意,提升專業成長及反思能力。 關鍵詞:合作學習、班級經營、行動研究


Learning Effect Research of Cooperative Learning and Class Management Strategies-Yunlin Elementary School Students Student:Chiu-Yu Ching Advisor:Lee-Chuan Chang The Degree of Master of Business and Management National Formosa University Abstract The main purpose of this study is to discuss the improvement of the learning effectiveness of elementary school students in Yunlin County with the applying of the cooperative learning and strategy of class management, and give an advice of cooperative learning and strategy of class management according to the conclusion of this study. This study is based on a random class of fourth grade students in a public elementary school in Yunlin County which is the class of the researcher, and this study has been carried out for five months. The researchers observed the scene through the records, personal notes, records of students' learning process of learning logs, activity worksheets, interviews and questionnaires ... etc the data collection methods of qualitative research, Plus learning attitude surveys, opinion surveys of language teaching, language performance assessment published transcripts, etc. " quantitative" ways to collect information. The point of this study is to observe the process of the improvement of the learning effectiveness of elementary school students in Yunlin County while using the cooperative learning and strategy of classroom management. The learning cooperation of the researcher includes (student’s Team Achievement Division)(STAD) and (Teams-Games-Tournaments)(TGT), and the researcher brings the courses of cooperating skill into the study. The strategy of classr management is discussed with the following viewpoints, including class cadre, routine management, class environment, the contact of teacher and parents, and interaction of teaching. The effect of learning in this study can be discussed with the following viewpoints, including: 1. the personal behavior of students 2. The interaction of classmates 3. the interaction of teacher and students With these, we can discuss the learning effectiveness by observing the change of learning behavior of students and therefore we can discuss the feasibility of the improvement of learning effectiveness with the applying of cooperative learning and the strategy of class management. With the applying of cooperative learning and the strategy of class management for five months, we discuss the change of the learning effectiveness of the elementary school students in Yunlin and sum up the following conclusion. 1. With the applying of cooperative learning and the strategy of class management, students will have distinctly positive change of personal behavior, the interaction of classmates and the interaction between students and teacher. 2. Putting the courses of cooperating skill in to practice, students will do better on the cooperative learning and therefore they will learn fast and effectively. 3. With the strategy of class management, the relationship between teacher and parents is more intimate, which is beneficial to the learning of students. 4. Action research will motivate the researcher to have more creative teaching idea, promoting the professional development and the ability of introspection. Keywords: cooperative learning, class management, action research


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