  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Alternative Distribution Models for Cultured Sea Bass

指導教授 : 胡智熊


金目鱸在魚市場之交易量自民國87年(1998)佔總交易量比例0.11%;而到民國97年(2008)提升至0.69%。可見金目鱸在市場成交量比重逐漸增加。另外在出口量方面近幾年也不斷成長。因此金目鱸產業市場發展應該非常樂觀。 金目鱸在運銷方面以國內市場佔大多數,其銷售方法主要是以生鮮鱸魚為大宗;而外銷市場之銷售規格則以魚片、條凍為主。目前金目鱸之運銷方法可分為三種: 1. 從養殖池撈起後,送到處理場分級後,加冰塊裝保麗龍箱,運到市場銷售。 2. 養殖池撈起後,由活魚貨車直接運送至市場,以活魚銷售拍賣。在承銷商買定後,有人以繩索綁束增加金目鱸之存活時間進入零售市場銷售。 3. 在養殖池撈起後送入處理場直接進急速冷凍(超低溫),然後分級包裝進入超級市場或外銷。 金目鱸本身的營養成分、口味深受台灣消費者的肯定。但若要達到消費者要求的品質優良、安全衛生、價格、環保、操作簡單,甚至品牌等特質,在運銷模式上可能採冷凍運銷模式是最適合。因為在養殖池撈起後立即進入處理場,去魚鱗、清除內臟及血,分級包裝後急速冷凍。如此可以保持魚肉品質、調節供需、沒有廢棄物,處理過的全魚或魚片煮食方便,而且包裝上可以有品牌,而這些都是另外兩種運銷模式所無法達到的。至於魚鱗及內臟可再利用來生產膠原蛋白、飼料或肥料。


The Cultured Sea Bass had 0.11% share of total Taiwan fish market in 1998, but it was up to 0.69% in 2008. In addition, the export volume has been growing in recent years. Therefore, Cultured Sea Bass industry should be very optimistic about the future. Right now, there are three distribution models for the Cultured Sea Bass: 1. after caught from the pond, the fish would be put into polystyrene boxes with ice, and then sent to the market for sale;  2. after caught from the pond, live fish is delivered directly to the auction market. After the auction process, some retailers may tie the fish using special method to increase the survival time of the fish in the shop; 3. after caught from pond, the fish is frozen quickly at the seafood frozen plant, and most is exported to the international market. The nutrition and the taste of the Cultured Sea Bass have been recognized by consumers. However, to achieve requirements of consumers, including high quality, reasonable price, the brand name, and easy to cook, the “quick freezing” distribution model is recommended in this study. Before quick freezing, the seafood process plant scrapes the scales off the fish, takes out organs and blood, and packs the fish based on the grades. Thus, the quality of fish can be kept for a long time, and frozen fish can balance the supply and demand. It could also mark the brand on the packages, which could not be achieved by the other two models.


1.王素梅、李河水( 2008),「台灣不同年齡族群對食品特質選擇之評估」,食品市場資訊,97卷,12期,頁13-17,財團法人食品工業發展研究所,12月15日。

