  • 學位論文


A Study of Vehicle Exhaust Pollution by Adding Secondary Air

指導教授 : 翁豊在


本研究汽油引擎排氣後的路徑端添加觸媒轉換器與保溫材之差異、加入二次空氣(Secondary Air Injection)、加入位置等三種型態與柴油引擎加入二次空氣與噴霧模式等2種型態,針對汽車所排放廢氣數值比對分析。 於汽油引擎的排氣歧管制作二次空氣導入端1、2,分別以自然進氣與注入50L/min、100L/min、150L/min等4種不同的空氣量後,分析後以100L/min空氣注入量對汽車排放最有效降低污染源,其CO、HC、CO2廢氣數值為最佳狀態,且有效促進觸媒轉換器溫度的提升,達到淨化排氣的目的。 於柴油引擎排氣歧管制作二次空氣導入端,分別以注入25L/min、50L/min、75L/min、100L/min等4種不同的空氣量與正常排氣狀態下加入噴霧狀態下對於碳微粒排煙污染差異度與廢氣分析數值之比較。


The objective of this paper is to explore the best way of reducing pollution from the automobile exhaust. In order to find out the best way, the writer of this paper tries to do two types of experiments. The first one is to add catalytic converter and four different quantities of secondary air into gasoline engine exhaust manifold, and to cover it with thermal insulation material, and the second one is to add four different quantities of secondary air into diesel engine exhaust manifold, and spray it with water. According to the numerical values of doing analysis and comparison from the experiments of automobile exhaust, adding 100 L/min of secondary air into gasoline engine exhaust manifold is the most effective way to reduce pollution from the automobile exhaust. Besides, the numerical values of CO, HC and CO2 are the best, and effectively promote the temperature ascension of the catalytic converter, and to purify the exhaust. As for diesel engine exhaust manifold, adding 50 L/min of secondary air is the best condition.


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