  • 學位論文


The research and development of active orthosis

指導教授 : 謝龍昌


所謂行動輔具就是在病患穿戴此種裝置後,能夠協助患者完成某些動作。行動輔具的定義依使用目的可分為兩大類,分別是強化肢體(Reinforce)及協助病患行走(Assistive to walk)用途的輔具。 本文之目的在於發展一套主動式行動輔具,設計重點在於主動式行動輔具之創新設計,以協助行動不便及下肢受傷者。為了讓病患有效率的運用行動支架協助行走,參考即有的往復交替式行動支架(Reciprocating Gait Orthosis; RGO)作為發展新型行動支架設計的依據,另外在整體支架上,設計雙腿連動機構,再配合一組動力驅動系統,發展出一套主動式行動支架。本研究在於有系統的探討下肢行動輔具之系統化設計,包括創新設計、方案可行性評估、構想設計、構想評估、運動設計、最佳化設計、以及雛形機構設計製造。 首先利用攝影機拍攝各關節的運動軌跡線,再將各關節的角位移數據繪製成暫態影像圖,並利用座標轉換,推導出足部軌跡線的位置方程,並撰寫MATLAB動畫程式,模擬單側腿型機構的運動,驗證單側腿型機構的可行性;設計出雙腿連動機構,完成主動式行動輔具之設計,並且利用快速成型機及金屬加工方法各製作出一組塑膠小模型和金屬小模型。以做為大型行動輔具之參考,最後完大型行動輔具之製作。


The orthosis is a device to help the patients move by oneself. According to the purpose, orthosis can be divided into the reinforced type and the assistive walking type. The purpose of this paper is to propose a design approach for designing active assistant orthosis including conceptual design, concept valuation, kinematic design, engineering drawing, and the prototype manufacture. First, according to the creative mechanism design methodology proposed by professor Yan, we synthesize all possible design concepts of leg mechanism for active assistant orthosis and all possible design concepts are valued. The human motion was filmed so as to plot transient graph and get the data of angle displacements of hip, knee, and ankle joints. Then, based on the requirement of the moving paths of kneecap and ankle, the better design concept is chosen and the kinamatic design is accomplished. Refer to the Reciprocating Gait Orthosis (RGO), we design the Frame structure and linking mechanism of the two legs. Also, DC Motor and gear transmission are used to develop the complete active assistant orthosis. Finally, the prototypes of rapid prototyping and machined mockup are manufactured to prove the design theorem.


[1] 2004年台灣、以色列、芬蘭、丹麥、新加坡及比利時醫療器材市場比較圖表(http://www.itis.org.tw/rptDetailFree.screen?rptidno=2A4772B5651D5D0 F482572CF001CE423)
[2] 2002∼2007年我國醫材產業進出口圖表(http://www.itis.org.tw/rptDetailFree.screen?rptidno=5F552EFA0073781E
[3] 行動輔具之種類圖表(http://www.shoenet.org.tw/magaz/files/%BA%A9%BD%CD%A6%E6%

