  • 學位論文


Combination of Conjoint Analysis and Response Surface Methodology to Standardization of Green Hotel Amenities

指導教授 : 顧瑞祥
共同指導教授 : 林士彥


近幾年由於環保意識的抬頭,越來越多人非常重視綠色消費,因此旅館業者紛紛將此環保概念納入其經營理念,綠色環保旅館應運而生。由於旅館所提供的一次性(即用即丟性)備品(Disposable Amenities)經由不當的浪費會對環境帶來不少的衝擊且增加營運成本。因此本研究將利用聯合分析法(Conjoint Analysis)結合反應曲面法(Response Surface Methodology)來探討消費者偏好的最佳一次性備品水準組合。首先本研究依專家意見及文獻整理出十項備品構面因子,並設定兩水準,利用實驗設計之部分因子設計 (Partically Factorial Design),產生十二組備品水準組合,利用影片、圖片輔助文字敘述供受測者針對其偏好程度進行排序。聯合分析結果顯示,十項備品構面因子中以洗髮乳、沐浴乳、洗面乳、香皂的重要性權重(Importance Weights) 佔20.46%最為重要,其次是毛巾、浴巾與衛生紙各佔12.59%與12.29%,備品構面因子中重要性權重最低則是紙杯佔5.1%和瓶裝礦泉水6.7%。再經反應曲面法之Box-Behnken實驗設計(Box-Behnken Design)尋找備品最佳水準設定值,研究結果顯示這三項備品洗髮乳、沐浴乳、洗面乳、香皂,毛巾、浴巾及衛生紙各放置一份時會有最佳反應值。由此研究結果可知住宿者希望旅館能夠主動提供一組洗髮乳、沐浴乳、洗面乳、香皂,一條毛巾、浴巾及一盒衛生紙。最後希望本研究結果可提供給旅館設置一次性備品之依據,以適當的減量概念提供一次性備品,達到環境保護與住宿者方便且滿意的平衡。


As the environment protection awareness has been increasingly prevalent, consumers commonly regard green-eco shopping as indispensable. Subsequently, the green-eco-awareness has been adopted into the business operation of the hotel industry in succession and there thus has emerged the green hotels in the hotel-lodging market. As improper waste of disposable amenities provided by hotel industry will contribute huge negative impact on environmental and ecological protection, the combination of conjoint analysis and response surface methodology Box-Behnken design has been adopted in this research for analyzing the best portfolio preparation of disposable amenities in the green hotel industry. The research results of conjoint analysis indicate that, among the presumed 10 constituent factors, shampoo, shower gel, facial cleanser and soap demonstrate the most significance level in term of importance weights 20.46%, followed by bath towel 12.59% and sanitary paper 12.29%.Paper cups demonstrate the least significance level in term of importance weights 5.1%. When the three factors on the one level will have the maximum value. Finally, it has been concluded the most feasible guest-room amenity-kit portfolio criteria.


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