  • 學位論文


Investigation and Analysis of Industrial Safety Risk Factors-A Case Study of Electric Wire and Cable Industry

指導教授 : 楊太宏


我國從農業社會漸漸的轉變成為工商業社會,並使台灣經濟也隨之蓬勃發展。然而,隨著經濟的成長與工業化高度發展,製程技術日益更新,生產規模次漸擴大,但常因設計或管理之失當、人為操作疏失、儀器裝置異常等因素造成工業災害,其危害性亦隨之產生。根據勞工保險局的統計,我國2011年全產業職業災害的人次為11492人,其中又以製造業的6642人及運輸及倉儲業的1195人為前兩名,而屬於製造業的電線電纜產業如同其他的行業一般,職業災害的發生也時有所聞;以我國2011年勞保殘廢給付職災類別分析,電線電纜所屬的製造業勞保殘廢給付即佔 58%,是屬於職業災害發生最頻繁的產業。如何維護勞工的工業安全與健康並減少職業傷害的發生,降低工業的災害,已成為現代企業必須面臨的課題。 因此本研究經由文獻蒐集及探討,了解電線電纜產業勞工職業上可能面臨的工安災害因素;利用模糊德爾菲法結合專家意見,歸類導致發生工安災害之四項構面下的主影響準則作為探討基礎,分析得到14項主要影響準則,建立影響工業安全風險之層級構面及準則,再藉由層級分析法評估各準則間相對重要程度。結果得知環境因子、教育訓練、危害管理為發生工業安全風險關鍵因素。但因層級分析法未考慮跨構面準則間相互影響關係,因此運用詮釋結構模式找出相互關係並建構分析網路程序法,結果得知設置工業安全衛生人員、標準作業流程、使用前測試為降低工業安全風險關鍵因素,最後本研究將重要因素提供個案公司作為改善的依據。


As the agricultural society in our country had been gradually transformed into the industrial society, so the economy in Taiwan had developed prosperously. On the other hand, along with the economic growth and the rapid development of industrialization, the techniques of production procedure advancing increasingly, and the production scale growing gradually, occupational accidents occurred more frequently and the harmfulness have been enlarged owing to poor designs or management, man-made operation mistakes, or defective devices and equipment. According to the statistics of the Bureau of Labor Insurance, in our country the number of persons who were injured in workplace was 11,492 in 2011. Among them, 6,642 persons worked in production industry and 1,195 persons worked in transportation and warehousing industry, ranked first and second respectively. Like other industries, the electric wire and cable industry is a part of production industry, and it has been reported from time to time that work accidents happened. According to the categorical data analysis of occupational accidents based on the disability benefits payment of labor insurance in 2011, 58% of the payment was given to the injured workers in production industry, which is the industry where occupational accidents happened most frequently, and the electrical wire and cable industry is a part of it. How to maintain the safety and health of workers, reduce workplace accidents, and decrease industrial disasters has become the issue that modern enterprises must face. Therefore, this research starts with the collection and exploration of the related literature, to understand the factors of occupational accidents that the electric wire and cable workers may face in workplace. The Fuzzy Delphi Method combined with expert opinions is used to categorize the main influence criteria in the four dimensions causing workplace accidents as the basis for exploration. After analysis, 17 main influence criteria are obtained to establish the hierarchical dimensions and criteria affecting industrial safety risk. Then, the analytic hierarchy process is employed to evaluate the relative importance among those criteria. The result shows that environmental factors, education and training, hazard management are key factors behind the happening of industrial safety risk. However, because in the analytic hierarchy process the interaction between the criteria in different dimensions is not taken into consideration; so, the interpretive structural modeling is used to find out the relation between them to construct the analytic network process (ANP). And the result shows that equipping industrial safety and health personnel, establishing standard operation standards, and carrying out test before use are key factors for reducing industrial safety risk. At last, the important factors found by this research will be provided to the case company as the basis for improvement.


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