  • 學位論文


Developing a Traditional Chinese Diagnostic System by Using Mobile Technology

指導教授 : 胡念祖


由於資訊科技快速的進步,以及個人電腦的普及,使得現今醫療機構都有較完善的電腦化設備和醫療資訊系統。透過這些設備和系統協助醫院進行行政工作、病患管理等相關作業,減輕了醫師工作的負擔。但面對日益上升的診間病患,醫師需花費更多的時間奔波於各病房進行治療,造成工作量增加。近年來行動醫療系統的成形,使得病患資訊的存取記錄更為便利,減輕了醫師於病房間的治療工作。目前國內行動醫療系統的開發大都是以西醫為主,對於中醫獨特的診療方式並不適用。而中醫有「針灸」這項較為特殊的治療,醫師於各病房趕場奔波時,醫師要花費更多心力來注意施針與取針的安全性。 本研究設計一套應用於平板電腦上的行動中醫診療系統。系統設計目的為減輕中醫師於各病房間的診療作業,並透過便利的點選輸入介面記錄針灸穴位與針數等診療資料,降低人為錯誤,增進醫療品質。而診療記錄藉由網路傳輸同步於後端資料庫中,節省人工輸入資料的時間。後端資料庫裡的資料再進行資料分析,並顯示於網站上,供醫師作為診療研究的參考。


With increasing growth of information techniques, hospital information system (HIS) has been broadly adopted by many hospitals. It can improve the overall processing performance and healthcare quality. However, conventional HIS is still incapable of providing proper services for traditional Chinese treatment. This is because the diagnostic process of traditional Chinese medicine is much different than western medicine, especially the acupuncture and moxibustion therapy. This study proposes a mobile traditional Chinese medical system, through a hand-held mobile device to record the treatment data and simplify processes of TCM, enhance the performance of medical service and provide the real-time accession for medical workers. Doctors and nurses can easily obtain the latest and right information of the patients. Moreover, this system can also help doctors to enhance the operational process and security issues of acupuncture treatment.


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