  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on The Proportion of Foreign Shareholding and The Efficiency of the Market

指導教授 : 林秋發


從 1996 年政府開放外資投資國內股市後,外資就一直扮演重要角色;本研究探討外資是否有促進市場效率的功能。本文以高低外資持股為研究對象,其中外資持股超過 40%為高持股,外資持股低於 10%為低持股。研究結果發現:(1)外資持股高低不會影響市場效率;(2)加入大盤比較後,外資高、低持股都有超額報酬,且外資高持股報酬未能比低持股高,表示外資持股高低無法當作投資的參考指標;(3)外資持股的報酬波動性與大盤不相等,即大盤未能反應外資持股報酬的不確定性。


Foreign investors has been playing an important role since the government opening to foreign investment in the domestic stock market in 1996. This study explores whether foreign capital has the function of promoting the efficiency of the market. We use high and low foreign shareholding as the research object, and set the foreign shareholding of more than 40% as the high stakes, the foreign shareholding of lower than 10% as the low stakes. We find:(1)Foreign shareholding will not affect the market efficiency. (2)After increase the weighted index comparison, foreign shareholding of high, low has excess returns, and high foreign stakes return is not higher than the return of low foreign stakes, foreign shareholding can’t be regarded as a reference indicator of investment. (3)Foreign shareholding is not equal to the weighted index return volatility. That means, the market failed to reflect the uncertainty of the return on foreign shareholding.


