  • 學位論文


The Application of the Theory of Knowledge Spiral on Exploring the Sense of Place in Rural Community

指導教授 : 黃志成


臺灣特殊的地理、自然和歷史發展脈絡之下的人地關係,蘊涵具特殊意義和感覺的價值之豐富的在地知識與經驗;然而大環境改變致許多農村趨破敗,資源亟需維護保存,環境亦多有亟需改善之處;我們常見有不當或不符需求之設施,既浪費資源且破壞農村景觀。因此,針對農村發展相關工作的推動等─必須「設法找到對的方法,解決心中的問題」。 緣是,研究者參考知識螺旋發展出「農村地方感知識化螺旋模式」,並選定具指標意義的薑麻園為研究場域,試圖與居民共同探討,讓農村地方感成為可溝通的語言,和具體得以傳承和傳遞的知識之可行性。本研究為質性研究,由文獻回顧,並透過觀察此模式「起」「承」「轉」「合」之知識轉換模式所設定之目標、策略、作法和效能之運作過程,再以社區領袖為對象深入訪談,蒐集資料;依研究歷程之時間脈絡,以敘說分析法書寫與解釋研究發現,探討可否達成研究目的。 本研究發現與結論:一、運用「農村地方感知識化螺旋模式」能較有條理、有效率的蒐集資料、記錄過程和整理資料等。二、在家鄉和鄉親有較相近的記憶、經驗和情感,居民在經驗分享交流互動後,能發現更多的在地知識,激發更多新的想法和作為。三、薑麻園的成就要感恩聖衡宮及多位先民和地方人士的努力。四、此模式能提高居民參與感和成就感,能激發歸屬感、使命感和認同感。五、地方能以較富有薑麻園農村地方感的在地知識和故事行銷薑麻園。六、社區領袖和居民認為發現農村地方感有相當的重要性和急迫性。七、社區領袖和居民多認為此模式對地方有幫助,值得推廣。 本研究提出之「農村地方感知識化螺旋模式」在初探過程即獲薑麻園社區領袖和居民肯定,建議將此模式提供政府相關部門參考應用,相信藉由農村地方感讓居民與產官學界以較具體的語言和溝通方式進行意見交流以掌握資訊,將能較有效率地落實施政成效。 最後,研究者以深刻的省思並呼籲讀者,在未能充分調查和掌握在地知識前,勿施做硬體設施;以失敗案例為殷鑑勿重蹈覆轍,企盼以農村地方感所蘊涵的在地知識做為形塑農山漁村的根本,俾使我們農村能循各個地方的發展脈絡,永續經營發展。


地方感 在地知識 知識螺旋 經驗


For the sake of having abundant local knowledge and experiences, the man-land relationship under the unique context development of Taiwan’s special geography, nature and history has special meanings and value of feelings. However, many places in rural areas are tending to be in breakage as a result of changes of environment. The necessity of maintaining and protecting resource, and many issues of environment needed to be proved; we usually have some demanding facilities which are inappropriate or don’t correspond with the requirement, and they not only waste the resource but destroy rural landscapes. Moreover, for the promotion of policies and plans of rural development and so on, we have to find out the right ways and solve the problem in our mind. Thus, the researcher consults the knowledge creation theory- Knowledge Spiral and comes up with ”the Knowledge Spiral Model of rural sense of place”, and chooses a meaningful place, Jian Ma Yuan, with significant indication as the field of this study. Trying to explore the possibility of making rural sense of place become a concrete communicable language, as well as feasibility of knowledge inheritance and transfer in practice. This research is a kind of qualitative study, in which it reviews through literatures and process of operating targets, strategies, practice and effects set in transform mode of knowledge incurred with “introduction”, “elucidation”, “transition” and “integration” in this model, further collect data after in-depth interview with the leaders of Jian Ma Yuan community. After these, in accordance with the time context in process of research, write down the interpretation of the findings with narrative and analysis to explore possibility of achieving goals of this research. This research finds out and concludes that: 1.Using “the Knowledge Spiral Model of Rural Sense of Place” enables to collect and sort data, as well as record process more systematically and effectively. 2. In their homelands, residents have closer memory, experiences and senses; after exchanging and sharing experiences among residents which more local knowledge would be discovered and more innovative ideas would be motivated. 3. People shall appreciate Sheng Hung Temple, it is the local religious center. And they appreciate the efforts and contributions, the achievement for Jian Ma Yuan made by many ancestors and enthusiasts. 4. The model is able to increase residents’ feelings of participation and achievement, motivating sense of belonging, mission and identity. 5. The local places are empowered to increase local knowledge and story, enrich it’s rural sense of place, by which they might market Jian Ma Yuan more concretely. 6. The leaders and residents in Jian Ma Yuan consider discovering the rural sense of place as things with significance and emergency. 7. The leaders and residents almost consider this model as a helpful tool for places, which is worthy of promotion and recommendation to public sections as a reference. “The Knowledge Spiral Model of Rural Sense of Place” proposed in This Research affirmation from Jian Ma Yuan leader of community and residents during the period of the initial exploration. They propose to provide relevant sections within government with this model as references in application, who believe firmly that residents, industry and academic circles are able to exchange opinions in a more solid type of language and communication to seize every part of information in terms of local sense in rural and carry on performances in policies more effectively. Eventually, the researcher calls up the readers with in-depth reflection that do not install hard utilities without thorough investigation on local knowledge behind rural sense of place. That is, without replenishing and seizing knowledge and soft infrastructure which are in line with local development context; please take cases in failure as guidelines and do not make same mistakes again. With local knowledge enriched by the rural sense of place that we expect to reshape beautiful farms, mountains and fishing rural communities. Let’s build up our beautiful new rural areas.


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