  • 學位論文

支援大學生體驗學習的擴增實境學習 系統之設計-以頂菜園農村體驗活動為例

A Design of Augmented Reality learning system to support college students’ Experiential Learning in the Din Cai Yuan Rural Experience Activities

指導教授 : 張菀珍 陳景章


體驗學習又稱為戶外學習,人們從實踐中體現知識、學習如何思考與提問,統整過去的學習與生活經驗。教學者常利用行動學習作為輔助體驗學習的工具,許多研究為了提升互動效果而將擴增實境(Augmented Reality,AR)技術應用於行動學習,且運用於無所不在的學習環境中。為了瞭解擴增實境學習系統輔助戶外農村體驗活動的效果,本研究以大學生為研究對象並提出以下幾點研究目的進行探討與分析: 一、 探討大學生對於農村民俗文物的學習需求。 二、 運用擴增實境技術建置適用於大學生進行農村體驗之無所不在學習系統。 三、 分析大學生進行農村體驗學習之成效。 四、 瞭解大學生對擴增實境學習系統之滿意情形。 五、 依據實驗結果提出結論及建議。 本研究採用軟體工程的開發方式來設計整個無所不在的學習環境,包括系統模型架構、界面需求與設計、流程設計、循序圖設計、實作。本研究以 Moodle數位學習平台作為網路學習系統的基礎,讓學習者能夠自主學習,並運用vuforia AR SDK、unity 3d開發環境與C#語言開發智慧型行動載具上的擴增實境學習系統以提供大學生在戶外活動時使用,達到輔助體驗學習的目的。 本論文採用準實驗設計,研究大學生使用擴增實境學習系統於農村體驗學習中的學習成效。研究對象為生命教育課程的修課學生。為了瞭解系統成效,本研究設計一個無所不在的學習環境並進行實際操作,此環境包含傳統教室上課、可以進行自主學習的網路學習系統,和輔助情境體驗學習的擴增實境系統,並採用學習成效前、後測問卷及擴增實境學習系統滿意度問卷,分別對實驗組及對照組同學進行施測。最後,使用 SPSS 統計軟體分析實驗組及對照組的問卷資料,比較兩組的學習成效。問卷結果發現,實驗組的同學的學習成效優於對照組的同學,且數據結果達到顯著差異。 本研究的問卷結果顯示體驗學習對於大學生的學習有正面的幫助;大學生普遍滿意擴增實境學習系統帶來的幫助,根據問卷結果我們也發現幾項可能會影響學習的效果的細節。 依據以上結論,本研究對於未來發展的建議如下: 1. 改良擴增實境學習系統的介面,並將系統優化。 2. 改善擴增實境學習系統內容的互動性與操作性。 3. 探討研究對象的不同,對於擴增實境學習系統與體驗學習活動的設計有何影響。 4. 將擴增實境應用於網路學習平台,讓學習者不用直接到戶外進行體驗也可以有身歷其境的效果。


Experiential learning, also known as outdoor learning, helps people realize knowledge through practice, to learn how to think and ask, and to connect the experiential learning with past learning and life experience. Educators often use mobile learning as an auxiliary tool for experiential learning, and apply to ubiquitous learning environment. In order to enhance the interaction, many studies apply Augmented Reality (AR) technology in mobile learning. To understand the effect of the Augmented Reality learning systems that support Experiential Learning in Rural Experience Activities, this study mainly talks on the learning needs being brought college students and explore the following viewpoints to design: 1. Collecting the rural folk cultural learning need. 2. Integrating Augmented Reality technology into the mobile learning device to build ubiquitous learning systems can be suitable for rural Experience. 3. Analyzing the effectiveness of learning during the period outdoor learning activity 4. Understanding the situation satisfactory of the Augmented Reality learning system. 5. Summarize the conclusions and making recommendations according to the experimental results. We adopted a developing process of software engineering, including system model architecture, interface requirement, process design, sequential diagram and implementation, to design whole learning platform. In this study, we use Moodle, an E-learning platform, as the basis for online learning system that allows learners learn by themselves. And we use Vuforia AR SDK, Unity 3d development environment and C # language to develop AR learning system on smart mobile device. The learning system assists students to use in outdoor activities to enhance the learning effect of the rural experience activity. The study of this paper adopted quasi-experimental design; we choose two groups which students are to take life education course. In order to understand the effectiveness of the system, we design a ubiquitous learning environment that includes traditional learning in classroom, and also provides online learning system allow students to learn by themselves. We design the experiential learning activity assisted by augmented reality systems, and we undertake pretest and posttest questionnaire and satisfaction questionnaire for the experimental group using AR learning system. Finally, manipulating statistical software named SPSS is to analyze questionnaire data of the experimental group and the control group, and compare the effectiveness of learning. Questionnaire results show that the students in the experimental group’s learning are better than the students in the control group, and the learning performance have a significant difference. The result of questionnaire show the experiential learning is good for university student. The university students are pleased with the help from augmented reality learning system. But, we have found turn back which will influence the learning effect from our conclusions, and our recommendations future development can focus on the following research: 1. Improve augmented reality learning system interface, and system optimization. 2. Improve the Interactivity and interoperability in augmented reality learning system. 3. Explore the design impact due to difference learning stage for learning system with the AR system during outdoor learning activity. 4. Applied the Augmented reality system to ubiquitous the online learning platform, to allow the learners to receive pregnant immersive effect even they do not have direct experience of the outdoors activities.


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