  • 學位論文

應用鷹架概念構圖於混合式學習成效之研究 -以工程倫理課程為例

Research of Learning Effect for Applying Scaffolded Concept Mapping Strategy in Blended Learning : A Case Study of Undergraduate Engineering Ethics Course

指導教授 : 陳景章


近年來,資訊科技的蓬勃發展,對學習模式產生很大的影響;學習型態也從以往的傳統學習、數位學習(E-Learning),進而發展到現階段的混合式學習(blended-learning)。在混合式學習之中如何獲得學習效益和進步?及如何將混合式學習應用於工程倫理的教學,這都是值得我們去探討的。 基於上述考量,我們建置了一個混合式學習的學習環境並使用鷹架概念構圖學習策略幫助工程倫理學生進行學習。此學習模式主要是基於學生的學習需求去設計,其中使用線上學習系統為輔助的混合式學習,包含了課堂學習,使用數位學習平台及鷹架概念構圖學習系統進行課後輔助學習,提供在家裡也可以上網學習,學習教材主要以多媒體教材、線上討論區以及符合學習主題的鷹架概念構圖為主,讓進行混合式學習的學生,透過情境模式、生活議題討論及結構性學習,幫助學生瞭解自己在未來的方向及責任。而工程倫理透過混合式學習不僅有良好的學習環境外,教師也能夠更便利的編輯課程活動,研究經統計結果,發現混合式學習配合鷹架概念構圖學習策略能有效的提升工程倫理學習的成效及學習滿意度。


Communication technology is popularized nowadays, and it makes a tremendous effect on learning. Way of learning is changed from the traditional learning into blended learning. Issues arise as to how to get effective learning and make a better learning. In this study, we apply the blended learning methodology to the course of the undergraduate engineering ethics. Based on the above considerations, we have designed an environment of the blended learning and introduce scaffolded concept mapping for improving learning in order to help students absorb the learning materials. Design of the system is mainly based on student needs for further discussion. We use the online learning system to support the blended learning which includes classroom learning, e-learning platform and scaffolded concept-mapping system to enhance the learning effect. This system can provide student learning via Internet system at home. Learning material are presented thru. multimedia learning materials, online discussion posts and scaffolded concept mapping. Regarding upon cognition of ethics issues, structured learning is used to help student understand direction and responsibility in the future. Not only we have a good learning environment but also we have a convenient interface to help design for the future other courses. By using the statistical analysis, we have found the scaffolded concept-mapping strategy which can assist with the blended learning. From the research results via observing the learning effect in the engineering ethics course, we can effectively enhance the learning motivation and satisfaction.


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