  • 學位論文


Research on different levels of scaffolding web-based identifying scientific issues learning on junior high students’ identifying scientific issues ability

指導教授 : 佘曉清


摘要 本研究的目的為設計提升學生形成科學性議題能力並能應用在正式課室教學的課 程,因此將國中生物課程結合修改後的探究教學模式設計出兩組不同層次鷹架式之網路 化形成科學性議題教學法,分別為:問答鷹架式之形成科學性議題教學法、直接鷹架式 之形成科學性議題教學法,進而分析兩教學法學生在形成科學性議題能力的變化,並且 探討學生科學概念建構、解釋科學現象能力、以及科學探究能力的改變。 研究對象為新竹市某國中的國一學生,共四個班,每班約有34 到36 人,依教學法 將四個班分為兩組(一組兩班),課程內容為三個生物單元的網路化學習課程,每個主 題學習完後,會進入實驗室做實驗,然後回到電腦教室在網路上記錄實驗結果。 研究結果顯示,生物概念測驗及形成科學性議題能力測驗上,直接鷹架式之形成科 學性議題教學法在後測和追蹤測的均值高於問答鷹架式之形成科學性議題教學法,即顯 示直接鷹架式之形成科學性議題教學法的學生在學習與維持上表現較佳。在單元主題網 路學習歷程紀錄量化的結果分析上,分別針對科學議題、變因、假設、科學解釋、總分 五面向來看,教學模式在變因、假設、科學解釋、總分上達顯著差異,即直接鷹架式之 形成科學性議題教學法優於問答鷹架式之形成科學性議題教學法,顯示直接鷹架式之形 成科學性議題教學組的學生有較好的科學探究以及解釋科學現象的能力。在單元主題網 路學習歷程紀錄質性資料中,分別針對科學議題和科學解釋部分做分析,而在科學議題 中發現問答鷹架式之形成科學性議題教學組在教學後第三個主題起,其在Level 2(高層 級問題:能辦識出關鍵特徵(key features) 所形成的科學議題,有完整的操作變因和應 變變因,可進行探究實驗)的數量比直接鷹架式之形成科學性議題教學組高,顯示問答 ii 鷹架式之形成科學性議題教學組需要一段時間學習,其在科學議題的表現會比直接鷹架 式之形成科學性議題教學組好。在科學解釋部分,直接鷹架式之形成科學性議題教學組 在Level 1 (中層級:能做出結果的描述或解釋,且科學概念正確或部分正確,但未能 使用科學原理原則)和Level 2(高層級:用科學語彙做出結果的正確科學概念解釋) 的數量比問答鷹架式之形成科學性議題教學組高,顯示直接鷹架式之形成科學性議題教 學組的學生在先前架構課程概念時的學習成效較佳,因此在科學解釋上的表現會較好。 本研究顯示不同層次鷹架式之形成科學性議題課程在提升學生的科學概念建構、形 成科學性議題能力、解釋科學現象能力、以及科學探究能力均有正面的影響。


Abstract This study was to explore the difference between direct scaffolding and question-answer scaffolding web-based learning on students’ concept construction, scientific inquiry ability and competencies in identifying scientific issues. A total of 138 7th graders recruited from four average-achievement classes of a middle school in Taiwan participated in this study. Sixty seven of them received direct scaffolding web-based learning for three units, and the other seventy one students received question-answer scaffolding web-based learning for three units as well. In addition to the learning from web-based environment, they also did inquiry activity at laboratory according to the question, hypotheses, variables, and design they formulate at web-based learning. They return to the web-based learning environment to provide their scientific explanations received from their inquiry activity. The content dependent conception Test (CDCT), and content dependent PISA Test (CDPISA) were administered to all students before, directly after and after the eighth week of learning. The results indicated that direct scaffolding group’s students’ outperform than question-answer scaffolding group on CDCT and CDPISA, however, they all did into reach statistical significant difference level. For students’ web learning results, the following dimensions were analyzed: identifying scientific issues, identifying variables, formulate hypothesis and scientific explanation. All of these together were the measure for students’ inquiry ability performance. The result indicated that direct scaffolding group outperform than iv question-answer scaffolding group regardless identifying scientific issues, identifying variables, formulate hypothesis and scientific explanation. Interestingly, we analyzed the details and found that question-answer scaffolding group increased their ability of identifying scientific issues and scientific explanations slowly from unit2 topics3. It implies that question-answer scaffolding group would need longer time in order to increase these abilities.




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