  • 學位論文


Package Innovation Based on Brand Image and Product Attributes – A Case Study of Taichung Suncake Industry

指導教授 : 陳光華 蔡璧徽


太陽餅原先只是臺中的地方名產,因適逢縱貫鐵路的通行,開始在南來北往的火車上販售,太陽餅的知名度便傳遍全臺灣,其不僅受本地人喜愛,甚至連外地人來到臺中也都會買幾盒太陽餅回去送給親友品嚐,成為舉國聞名的伴手禮。放眼望去,臺中的太陽餅專賣店櫛比鱗次,餅的口味更是五花八門,近年來,政府亦積極地推廣在地文化特色和舉辦許多糕餅的行銷活動,進一步帶動了太陽餅的商機。據臺中市糕餅公會的估計,太陽餅每年產值高達10億元,且倚靠著太陽餅生活的人,從原物料供應商到包裝印刷、零售約20萬人左右。 本研究依據產品屬性,採用HBC消費者行為模式理論,探討品牌形象與產品屬性對新竹市國立大學的學生購買太陽餅意願之影響,並使用SPSS作為統計分析工具,對回收的526份有效問卷資料進行敘述性統計分析、探索性因素分析、信度及效度分析、χ²檢定、獨立雙樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、多元迴歸分析,再依分析結果提出相對應的行銷策略及後續研究建議供業者參考。 研究結果顯示:不同的生理性別、每月可支配所得在購買太陽餅的動機上有顯著差異;不同的生理性別對太陽餅產品屬性之形象識別構面的重視程度有顯著差異;不同的生理性別、年齡、每月可支配所得分別對太陽餅象徵性品牌形象、經驗性品牌形象、功能性品牌形象的認同程度有顯著差異;不同的年齡對再次購買太陽餅與推薦他人購買太陽餅的認同程度有顯著差異;不同的每月可支配所得對願意購買太陽餅與推薦他人購買太陽餅的認同程度有顯著差異。除此之外,消費者對太陽餅品牌形象之各項構面的認同程度與太陽餅購買意願之各項構面的認同程度皆有顯著關聯;消費者對太陽餅產品屬性之知覺體驗構面的重視程度與太陽餅購買意願之各項構面的認同程度皆有顯著關聯。以整體購買意願來說,消費者對太陽餅品牌形象的重視程度高於太陽餅的產品屬性,且包裝在太陽餅的形象識別構面中具有較重要之影響力,然而,消費者對市面上現有的太陽餅包裝滿意度甚低,故本研究根據分析與探討的結果,設計出五款兼具功能性、環保及特殊造型的太陽餅包裝盒,並結合臺中的在地文化與嶄新的視覺設計,協助業者提升其商品的附加價值,為臺中的太陽餅產業打造出專屬於該地域特色之文創品牌。


Suncake was originated in Taichung as a local souvenir, and due to the railway network connection, it was sold on the train and formed good reputations reaching different regions of Taiwan. Not only do Taiwanese people but also foreigners bring sets of suncake home to share with others. Thus, suncake became well-known pastry to the worldwide. Suncake has been sold at several stores and servings come in a variety of flavors and packaging designs. As the local culture promoting events held by the government in recent years, there are great business opportunities selling suncake, up to 1 billion NT dollars per year, according to Taichung City Cake Association. Based on a sample of 526 college students from universities in Hsin-Chu area, an investigation adopted HBC consumer behavior model theory is conducted to analyze the influence of brand image and product attributes on purchase intention. The result is drawn from SPSS descriptive statistical analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability and validity analysis, chi-square test, independent two-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. The study finds out that significant relations are found in (a) a person’s gender and income to purchasing suncake intention, (b) a person’s gender to image recognition dimension in product attributes, (c) an individual’s gender, age, and income to representative brand image, experience brand image, and functional brand image respectively, (d) gender difference to next purchase and recommendation, (e) a person’s income to recommendation. Moreover, consumers’ recognition toward each attribute of brand image and how much they weight the image recognition dimension are related significantly to every dimension in suncake purchasing intention. To sum up, brand image of the suncake is more important than the product attributes of them to customers, and package design plays an important role in image recognition dimension. However, people are not satisfied with the current package design of suncake. As a result, this research designs package which emphasize their function, environment, and local culture can add value to suncake, creating a unique characteristics of Taichung's cultural brand of suncake.


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