  • 學位論文


EEG oscillation associated with identification levels in a video game

指導教授 : 柯立偉




電玩遊戲 開車 角色認同 腦電圖


Video games are an indispensable part of many people’s daily life. In these years, passively watching other people to play video games through online streaming becomes another popular way for people to engage in game content in addition to actively playing by themselves. Previous studies used to investigate the influence of actively or passively playing way on people from “media interactivity” aspect. In advance, previous studies found that interactivity would influence an important mechanism called “character identification” which could explain people’s different responses to game content. Character identification was defined as the temporarily merging one’s self with character’s self through alteration of automatic self-concept. However, the brain dynamics related to people’s character identification in games are not well explored in previous studies. Therefore, this study designed a racing game experiment to induce different identification level of participants and explored brain dynamic changes associated with degrees of character identification. Identification levels of participants were evaluated by questionnaire. 32 channel EEG cap was used to record participants EEG signals during whole experiment. In this study, we investigated identification level related EEG phenomenon from two aspects which was the chapter 3 and 4 in this study. In chapter 3 of this study, we induced different identification levels of participants under experiment conditions which were different in two factors, interactivity and natural mapping. Among participants in chapter 3, the highest identification level of active play with natural mapping controller group and lowest identification level of passive watching was observed based on questionnaire scores and we observed the EEG dynamics difference among these groups. In chapter 4 of this study, participants in different experiment conditions of chapter 3 were clustered into high identification level group and low identification level group by their identification level evaluated by questionnaire. After clustering, EEG dynamic difference was observed between high and low identification level group. For EEG results in chapter 3 and 4, occipital alpha power before event was observed stronger desynchronization in groups with higher identification level which implied higher attention and excitability. Frontal theta power after events showed higher synchronization trend in higher identification level group which was related to higher risk level that participants perceived in the racing game. In summary, the EEG oscillation trend showed attention and emotion related EEG pattern which could be was corresponding and appropriately interpreted with identification level difference of participants. This study established a basis for future study to understand the identification mechanism and its related neural dynamic activities.


video game driving character identification EEG


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